Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I havenā€™t renewed my membership.

What was straw that broke camels back? There must be a lot of genuine SF supporters scratching their heads at direction party have gone. Doherty is one of most talented politicians in the DƔil. Maybe things would be different with him in charge?

The lovely people of sleepy Sandymount have holidays booked to Spain in September and the Canaries in November.

Whereā€™s the deadly Californian one gone?

They are all still out there.
Like vultures.

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Kingston Mills very optimistic here.

Boris told the scientists to shove their data up their holes


Iā€™ve consistently called out Mary Lou as not up to it but supported the party stillā€¦ A mixture of realising that career party politics is counter productive, MLMDs uselessness and their stance during covid have all left me empty enough. As an alternative to FFG Iā€™ll still probably vote themā€¦ To me, FFG are lower than dog shit. Theyā€™re absolute vermin that have robbed and sold us out time and time againā€¦ But, I get that no party would probably speak up during the last year, what with RTE brainwashing the nation and the same so called experts on TV every weekā€¦ It would have been suicide in one way to go against 60% wanting tighter restrictionsā€¦ But theyve offered nothing as an opposition. The cynic in me almost thinks they were happy to push things to the brink to see the country on its knees just to then lay into FFG. I canā€™t see how they could be so pro lockdown and people giving up their civil liberties and the guards being given additional powers so easily. Iā€™m not sure what their end game is but MLMD is not up to standard.


Iā€™m more and more of the view that all any of them really want is to be elected and beyond. that they donā€™t have a clue. They all ride the populism wave to appeal to whatever demographic they think they should and that gives them the most chance of a vote.

Maybe itā€™s more obvious now but there are a lot of stupid people in high profile position in all the parties.

Iā€™m against high taxes as i think it will be lumped into public sector pay inflation and not better public services. Beyond that I donā€™t really see a difference in any of them.

A universal income post Covid would be interesting and collapse all social welfare payments into that


I canā€™t believe how quiet many TDs have been. Weā€™ve had to endure the longest lockdown in western societyā€¦ Longest WFH around Europeā€¦ And not a peep out of any of them. They actually gave themselves a pay riseā€¦ Happy to hide behind covid and not face up to their other responsibilities. If people donā€™t see it now theyā€™ll never see it.


We have far too many TDs as well. A wel funded citizen information service would do most of their jobs


Correct, they are all trained liars and many are sociopaths. A lot of it is genetic as they come from generations of liars. The ones on the extremes, both rightists and leftists, are also batshit crazy and actually believe utter nonsense.


Latest bro?

Numbers coming down? Hearing fair few clusters around Limerick.

Did Prime Time just close with Mumbo Gerry? :rofl:
Itā€™s officialy over

The politicians are bad but Covid has been a good case study in allowing ā€œexpertsā€ to run the country and itā€™s even worse


Yer man saying we should stick to data instead of dates but our lads are doing neither

It has - especially single issue metric experts. A few economists and small business owners on NPHET might be usefully employed.

No Idea.

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We need a man like John Charles McQuaid, our greatest ever leader.

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Yeah I see where you are coming from. SF should know well by now what lack of civil liberties look like and how the optics of an army assisting in imposing restrictions would be perceived. It is beyond naive. Michelle O Neill wanted help of British army back in January. That looks like a completely absurd notion now in retrospect. They have fed into hysteria and hoped to ride the wave of populism that is now ebbing slowly away. People Iā€™m sure are grateful for supports and SF to their credit championed this but sooner or later people get restless and want to spread their wings again. I think they realise this and have let Shortfall, Murphy, Boyd Barrett and Kelly do a lot of the screeching. I wouldnā€™t vote for FFG either and instead would vote for an independent. It is effectively a protest vote and doesnā€™t make a blind bit of difference. I saw in latest party polls SF slipped a couple of points as did FF and FG but independents were up 5 or 6.