Coronavirus - Here come the variants

They donā€™t enforce mandatory quarantine for a positive test ffs sake

Locking up people with negative tests for 14 days is all sorts of wrong


Lining the hotels pockets

Leaving aside covid and the constitution no harm seeing these idiots getting hassle. Youā€™d have been one of the first to figuratively hop on them pre Covid.


They arenā€™t the two most sympathetic of cases but they have made a decent case here.

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Bang on you can imagine what type of people they are based on the story. Battle lines are drawn, this is not a class war. Its a freedom war.

We can go back to hating each other in a few months. Mike your an alright sort so Iā€™m sure we will be in agreement on something in a few months.

I hate covid

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Why are they idiots?

Itā€™s sad to see you piling on people because of a bias against people from a particular socio-economic background.

Iā€™m a libertarian.


We need Tony back to let a roar out of him and all will be well again.


Thursday or Friday weā€™ll see a couple of thousand cases and 1500 deaths (1499 dated back to 1973)


Mandatory quarantine is the most shameful of all the shameful COVID regulations. It is making very uncomfortable that I have to actively participate in it




Weā€™re not so far away from the Magdalene Laundries. Shaming young women for daring to go abroad for cosmetic surgery with titillating headlines.


Game over

I donā€™t know how to take the story to be honest. The details of it and how they are in the public domain smacks of a deliberate leak.

But when you look at it, why on earth would you deny them their children to go into MHQ for a couple of hundred euro? Why would you want for this to end up in court?

Pot, kettle!


Sad to see people happy two women went to prison for going on holidays. I know a fucker who hit an old man with an iron bar and heā€™s not in prison. Country is losing its mind


For all Lads who were losing their shit over the 70 year old woman with cancer in the Beacon not getting the vaccine the wifeā€™s brother in law is getting chemo at moment and was told he canā€™t get the vaccine until chemo is over.

If they had subs for the Irish Times the narrative would be different.

Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s even the issue. People have just lost their mind with COVID, and particularly with travel during COVID. Traveling during this is on a par with murder to some people.
