Coronavirus - Here come the variants

You wouldnā€™t see them going into a mosque to break up a ceremony.




I was exaggerating for effect there mate.

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You do some amount of that


I havenā€™t read a single derogatory comment about these ladies, a few childish boobie jokes maybe,
Are we imagining things for effect as well?

I trust people to know I didnā€™t mean actually the same as murder, but rather something that, from what I can see anyway, gets people incredibly hysterical.

Have you not? Have you read anything derogatory about people traveling in general?

No more than claiming these two were sent to prison for going on holiday.

Thatā€™s a fair point, they are in prison for failing to quarantine. I find that massively excessive, given what so many people do and donā€™t get prison time for it

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What are we taking about here?
I have sympathy for anybody forced out not quarantine, it sounds awful, but it isnā€™t prison, if they choose prison I canā€™t help them.

The mood on TFK is strongly in in their favour and strongly anti MHQ

Then make that point. Heaping victimhood isnā€™t needed, this law was called out as reactive and badly-written as soon as it was published. I donā€™t remember seeing one post on support of it.

I was talking about the reaction online in general but your advice and how I should and should not make points is greatly appreciated

I was talking about online in general rather than on here, though I did see at least one comment saying that the poster was happy with their position.

Seeing as you went as far as explaining your use of the literary device of hyperbole, it seemed fair enough

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Just the more I listened to him the more I found holes in what he saidā€¦ for example He dined out on his comment that governments donā€™t create jobs ā€¦while technically true itā€™s quite disingenuousā€¦

Heā€™s right though. Itā€™s typical of Irish parties to claim credit for things they didnā€™t actually do. We created X jobs etc. Unless they were public jobs then no, ye didnā€™t.

Seemed very polite there, fair play to the police. Thereā€™s rules on gatherings for a reason. Itā€™s one of the most important and commonly agreed rules, even Sweden implemented it early and maintained it all through. Do they the think the virus takes a day off on good Friday?

What ? Government policy has brought 145k direct jobs hereā€¦ like of Enterprise Ireland and IDA are given approx 150m a year to give grants to companiesā€¦ IDA build premises in regions to attract companies ā€¦


Exactly, government policies can either attract businesses or repel them, both domestic and international. It has to be said Ireland has been very proactive in encouraging business investment since waking up from the de Valera nightmare in the 1960s.


Unbelievably so ā€¦they reckon for every 10 direct jobs created by these companies thereā€™s another 8 created indirectly ā€¦Donegal town ,castlebar ,Sligo ,Athlone,drogheda,Dundalk to name a few ā€¦ all backboned by IDA clients ā€¦but sure McWilliams says government donā€™t create jobs well then that must be trueā€¦and while Iā€™m ranting ā€˜sure they donā€™t pay taxesā€™ ā€¦im no accountant but avoiding PAYE is next to impossible - so thatā€™s 145k people paying tax and then when you consider the average IDA wage is north of 55k taxman really is getting something ,albeit further down streamā€¦