Coronavirus - Here come the variants

They can create the conditions, they donā€™t create the jobs.

A wise work ex colleague once said, ā€œif youā€™re telling me everything is urgent then Iā€™ll assume that nothing is.ā€

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Itā€™s Easter Sunday lads, the sun is shining, would ye not have gone out and enjoyed it a wee bit?

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The next two weeks are crucial.

Weā€™re all in this together.

Hold firm!!!


This is it. When this thing is done and dusted, half the forum will be suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Iā€™ve no doubt in 30 years time one or two posters will be found under the bed thinking weā€™re still in lockdown


Like the Japanese soldiers roaming the jungle 30 years after WW2 ended


Iā€™m currently lockdowning with my Italian housemate. Neither of us can go home so he made lasagne and I made lamb.

It doesnā€™t look like much but it turned out well. The slow cooker made the lamb softer than the veg which was strange at first but it was nice. Thereā€™s a lot of wine in that sauce.


I have desert sorted bro


Is lasagne a traditional Easter Italian food - I may have made that up but I recall reading it once ?

Thatā€™s what he said

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Did you ate it with chips ?

La Sagne means ā€œthe Easterā€ in Italian

And coleslaw


That looks absolutely rotten.

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It tasted better than it looked. I need to work on presentation.

Thatā€™s an epic mugging off of both roaster and forum Italian factions.

Thank god such scenes are in the past and could never happen again


Was there a protest March in Limerick this afternoon, I saw something advertised yesterday, but didnā€™t hear anything, no mention on the local news

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It was a great diversion for anyone who wanted to go on a non-essential journey today

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