Coronavirus - Here come the variants


Friends who support Sinn Fein ??

Is this the Eastern European SF bots?

I’m not sure wtf is going on with the group it’s posted on but the video sums up the shit show that is covid in so many ways.

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Coty candidate there

Sinn Fein anti special criminal court - pro arbitrary lockdowns.
But only in the Republic.

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All well behaved.

It’s a mass hysteria event. Nobody is getting Covid outdoors. If you don’t allow them do it there they’ll be inside doing it.

Easy see why all the shite we had over years happened when different morals applied. Same lady would have driven women to Magdalene laundries for their own good.


Yup. Thats probably the worst part of all of this, realizing who and what we really are as a people


SF have had a brilliant pandemic

I was reading Travellers in the Third Reich last year. Experiences of tourists visiting Germany in 1930s.

Not comparing Covid to the rise of Nazism but it’s fascinating how populations behave and just go with the flow and ultimately believe the propaganda without ever intending to.

The entire episode has been a real eye opener on many levels in terms of groupthink. The fragility of liberal democracy haven’t been laid so bare since Weimar


Very true.

Once you create fear you can make people do anything.

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Agreed. That is an infinitly more scary prospect than any pandemic

Its frightening.

A push back is more than needed…how can people sit there and let their busineses just cease to exist?


Maybe the PUP is enough. Sad if so.

There’s a vaccine bro. Patience not panic required right now


Just a few more months lads.

You feel free to fight on in NorCal

I’m doing my bit. Vaccinate the fuck out of people is the only answer.

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Good article this. Two thing in it. Denmark is going to be testing pretty much its entire population fortnightly, that was suggested as a solution by the head of Science Foundation Ireland nearly a year ago. Denmark is also using mobile testing centres to deploy where more tests are needed, I recall jack Lambert suggesting them nearly a year ago too.

Denmark tests widely to avoid endless lockdowns. Why can’t Ireland? (via @IrishTimes) Denmark tests widely to avoid endless lockdowns. Why can’t Ireland?

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For anybody new to the forum, just to let you know @TheUlteriorMotive was one of the strongest defenders of section 31 on here