Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Was he a voiceover artist?


Iā€™d urge you to step back here.

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I believe I proposed this for Ireland myself last year and was laughed out if it by @EstebanSexface

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Yeah I thought it was a good idea too. Test the whole population every fortnight more or less. Anyone with it isolates and everyone else can get on with it.

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The tide is turning against this bullshit. One thing coming out is how much of a zealot Donnelly is on this. Heā€™s been convinced by senior officials in D/Health who have had an extreme set against travel since summer.

Home quarantine among compromises to be discussed by Ministers (via @IrishTimes) Home quarantine among compromises to be discussed by Ministers

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Pretty pointless with open borders?

I donā€™t think so. Open borders are not the problem, the problem is in the country. Mass testing would be far more effective than closing borders in my opinion.

The priority has to be on getting things operational domestically before travel can be open.

I know youā€™re pining for a holiday but you just have to accept that. Non essential foreign travel will be the last thing opened up and rightly so.


Iā€™ve walked from the party.


The DOF need to be a bit cuter about this as you can see the self described experts have fully mobilised this weekend.

Those experts didnā€™t put the U.K. on the list. The U.K. will be the simple way to get around these draconian restrictions, particularly as they will be moving to start opening their borders to countries in several weeks. You canā€™t trace such people and it makes the whole thing redundant. If they were anyway serious on catching the variants, why not a PCR test on arrival so you can properly monitor from every country?

See Camus , Albert - The Plague.

After a year we havenā€™t eclipsed stage 1, self interest.


Home quarantine is a great idea. Why hasnā€™t anyone thought of it before


Will they put tracking devices on their ankles?

Youā€™ll have to check in on that app that was very important there about a year ago before being completely forgotten about

This has been pointed out since last year. All this talk of closing borders etc, what you need is testing. By all means have quarantine for people that test positive on arrival.

The thing to realise about MHQ is it is not even meant to be an effective measure. It is a ridiculous system set up for optics that provides no protection.

The courts will be absolutely loathe to interfere in the governmentā€™s right to act in the public good in an emergency. But against that it is clear that the goals of the MHQ system could be achieved by less intrusive means (e.g. testing), so itā€™s possible it could be struck down. Fingers crossed.

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The lads can follow them on Strava