Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I think the most amazing thing is the genuine fear and anger in her voice. She couldn’t be more pissed off with the people if they were pulling handbrake turns in a crowded children’s school yard. They are just looking at her in bemusement. It’s the most placid crowd you’d ever see. All the comments below agree with yer one tho.

Reality but of course you think your entitlement to an annual foreign holiday trumps getting people back working and getting kids and students back to their normal educational routine. It’s time to stop thinking about yourself.

“waa waa waa I think every other country should give us their vaccines because I’m such a special little snowflake”


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Very mature response to highlighting your sense of entitlement.

“Keep the country locked down but let me go on a foreign holiday”

I don’t think the country will be locked down and I don’t think there will be many barriers to travel very soon.

No intercounty travel until July. We’re in April no commitments to have anything remotely opened up at all with no review likely until May.

You are deluded.

If you think no intercounty travel til July is either correct or will be maintained you are seriously deluded.

RTE sensing the change in the mood maybe

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The facts are going to be there for people to see, pressure on hospitals will be gone and people will realise case numbers matter less as vaccination goes up, it will dawn on all that the level of restrictions are no longer justified, especially when they see other European countries with more freedoms than us, public pressure will grow to relax restrictions, the government will respond and we will be in a much better place, no matter what NPHET say. After a very long year this shift will happen fast over the next two months.


The HSE need this to work and work quickly after moving the goalposts with regard to who gets vaccinated and when. If it doesn’t work, there’ll be mutiny

The freedoms in the US and the UK will tell a lot too. I think eventually people will realise that NPHET are uber cautious because they are all big knobs in the HSE and the HSE needs protection to protect their reputations

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There won’t be regardless of the outcome.

Boris is opening the beer gardens next week. Paddy will get jealous and start asking questions. Paddy has an awful problem with the drink

Are you seriously going down that road after what happened here last night.

What happened? I only stick the covid, rugby and gaa treads now

Go to the Roman catholic thread.

Ah that’s not too bad I have delved into the feuds thread too, covid has set let’s over the edge among other things imho. Paddy loves an ole picture of good farming land is more appropriate.

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I’ll throw up a picture of myself milking a cow in the back garden after dinner and cause havoc

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Imagine if the brave men and women who marched o Connell street in 1916 came back today to see what a bunch of cowards we’ve for leaders nowadays.

They didn’t die for people to sit at home.


We had a great conversation over dinner on slaughtering lambs. Be good for the townies to see rural life

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