Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Hard to see that happen tbh

The OIUTFers who are mad for pints and holidays are claiming g the heroes of 1916 for their side :grinning:

So the scum teachers want the vaccine first or they will go on strike. Vaccine or money I suppose I should say.


Despite it being cold out out, a nice long walk within your 5k would do some lads around here a world of good.

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Worst thing about it is one of the crazy lock down leaders Thomas Ryan encouraged teachers to go on strike as some sort move to stop the spread of covid.

These people are crazy and need be treated as such.


Where did you see that?

Off for nearly three months fully paid, back a few days then off for Paddys day, back a bare week then two more weeks for Easter. It will be a very tough couple of months for them before they have the Summer off.


Eamon dunphy podcast. He basically says straight out he hoped they would go on strike to stop the spread of covid.

He Also said when he heard mehole was making an announcement about restrictions he hoped they were moving the 5km travel restriction to 2km.

He also and most amusingly tried to suggest to dunphy that people like him and his friends who turn down the vaccine so younger people who work in shops and what not are sort of brave heroes :relaxed:

The only reason they agreed to go back in March was to ensure they got 2 week Easter break. No fear they’d work it instead to make up for lost time.


Fair play to the teachers standing up for themselves. A bit of organised militancy is the only way to deal with geebags like Stormin Norma and Eggy.


Teachers want their vaccines so they can go out foreign for the summer.


25 year old Siofra straight out of teaching college wants to deprive 60 year old Mary from Tesco of a vaccine so she can head out to Dubai to meet the other girlos.


We’re all in this together guys

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Case numbers never fucking mattered a jot… The brain washing that has taken place is truly remarkable.


No, we’re not. Not even close to being in it together.


If these people were alive back then they would have spat on the boys as they were marched from the GPO.


There is going to have to be some level of narrative switching next winter and this time next year when the exact same thing happens again,

Look whats happening across the water - thats the blueprint, vaccine passports, no freedom, booster shots on the way, 2 vaccinated people still cant meet indoors according to Boris,

Its unreal, maybe that level of control suits some people - its going to get a lot worse,

If people have kids, they need to start looking at this shit seriously,

To @iron_mikes bullshit point, we’re not all in this together you simpleton. Have you had a look at whats going on with cancer screenings?

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So long as the lads were within spitting distance of the area under their beds.

You’d be better served dealing with your snakey , useless, lazy teachers union.

What’s lazy about them? They’re itching to claim everything at every turn …finger in the pulse …

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