Coronavirus - Here come the variants

By and large the only ones who actually believe in anything are the ones on the extremes while everybody else just wants to be liked

It wasnā€™t hitting enough high notes on the Worryomoter so they replaced it with the scary Nigerian variant


This is 100% accurate.

I was at a celebration event for a first time elected TD about ten years ago. (My father canvassed for him, knew the family etc).

There were drinks at a local hotel. Guest speaker was an experienced TD from up the country, your stereotypical gombeen politician. Anyway yer man gets up to speak and within about two lines he utters - ā€œthe campaign to get re-elected starts now.ā€

It has always been thus but still a bit deflating to see and hear it in the flesh. Rather than go in all guns blazing to help people and make things better the main focus was already on getting in next time round.

It wasnā€™t long after I moved to RODā€™s camp, a politician you can believe in.


The Shinner on The Tonight Show mentioned the Bristol, Nigerian and Californian variants all in about 5 seconds. Thereā€™s a new one every day.


The Rathkeale one will put paid to us all.

Weā€™re at nothing here if we donā€™t come up with our own one.

Dr. Fauci has a lot of skin in the game, heā€™s the highest paid of the 4 million employees in the US government, $417k salary in 2019. The level of trust he has among the public is incredible, given he said the virus was nothing Americans should worry about.


My local SF lad, Donnchadch , is decent enough and will get my vote. But Mary Lou constantly jumping on the populist train is a hiding to nothing. Lay out your stall and fight for it.

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Lads, 2021 will be over in a flash. Knuckle down and see it through.

Iā€™ve been saying that for 15 years.

Itā€™s depressing. And the people, the voters are the problem. Good work isnā€™t rewarded.

Fill pot holes. Get Johnny a job. Go to the funeral.

Taking thousands of people out of the HSE might be the right thing to do but a Health Minister would lose his seat for doing it.


Kingston seems alright as far as these academic types go. Rarely sounds alarmist and doesnā€™t seem to be involved with the Zero Coviders.

Roughly the same as Paul Reid, whoā€™s getting ā‚¬350k as head of the HSE.

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Is this Verona on Matt Cooper?

Looks like the OIUTFā€™ers are making a comeback judging by the polls and the media tonight. Verona giving Anne Rabbitte both barrels here. AK47 will be back roaring OIUTF by the middle of next week. Hold firm, gents.

It is/was. Talks a lot of sense

A huge amount of people turning up to A & E clogging up the hospitals shouldnā€™t be there in the first place. They take up beds and eat into time and resources.

A simple charge of a fiver or tenner per patient would cut down on those time wasters. If a TD was to suggest that though it would be political suicide - ā€œyou want to charge the most poor and vulnerable, you want to turn people away from getting help.ā€

Charge the drunks and junkies and the admissions to Emergency Departments would decrease substantially but no, itā€™s easier to lobby for half the country to get medical cards while the other half pays for everything through the nose.


We never went away. This means more.

Iā€™d urge zen. RTE, nphet and zero covid head bangers still control the state , theyā€™ll find a way to fight backā€¦

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The pension age increase was a perfect example of politicians being scared to do the right thing.


They will have their time once this all over. The truth will come out. Avoiding rte is key to not losing zen