Coronavirus - Here come the variants

You boys seem to think that the ASTI control everything. Even half the ASTI members dont agree with the stance they take. The INTO haven’t uttered a word one way or another since this crisis started

They’re “considering” going on strike kid, what about people who have worked throughout this pandemic in shops etc

Have you got an aul gif for that handy?

That’s hardly on the teachers. That’s on the government… I would have thought lads wanting society to get back to normal would have had teachers high up the list after carers and medical staff.


Its their unions mate, not the teachers.

I think teachers, GardaĂ­ and supermarket workers should be prioritised in the vaccine rollout. WFH excel jockeys can wait until the end


We need a twin track approach

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Exactly… Look after the sections of society that make the country tick, it’s a no brained to getting us open sooner. Nurses, guards, teacher, super markets…

No what I’m saying is they are many things but lazy isn’t one of them …they are looking for any crumb for their members …

Look the HSE IT system can’t tell a WFH couch potato from a key worker. Drive on by DOB. We are where we are.


I actually think age based vaccinations are prudent.

A healthy young 25 year old teacher has more of a chance falling off a ladder and dying than getting covid and dying kid.

So it’s not the teachers you are mad at? It’s the union that represent the teachers.

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Yes… Ineptness , an Irish speciality. An inept health care gives us the longest lock down in the world and a backwards vaccine roll out

They can be done side by side surely?

Not in this country mate.

What about a 25 year old teacher that still lives at home with her 65 year old father with underlying health conditions?

I’ve a friend (early 40s), going through a divorce. She’s a teacher. Back living with her folks. Both early 70s, not vaccinated yet. Father recently over cancer. Mother had it many years previously. She’s scared of her shit of getting it in case she passes onto them.


In that scenario if the 25 year old teacher has symptoms, he or she should stay away from her vulnerable parent.

Rent somewhere for the week or so before he/she is fine again and not symptomatic, its not rocket science and its also not akin to cancelling kids education at primary and secondary level across the country, again.

That has to he avoided at all costs ffs. People need to get a grip.

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Bartenders, bookies, bouncers and croupiers - the people who do all the important work should be up the list ahead of any teachers


But I thought most 25 year olds that got it were asymptomatic because it does no harm to people that age? Or so goes the narrative. So the 25 year old doesn’t know he/she has it. What happens in that scenario?

The actual case I spoke of with friend in 40s, she also has two kids in living with her parents. They don’t attend the same school she teaches in. She can’t just go get something to rent for a week for the the three of them like that.

I’m no big fan of the teaching unions but surely they have to represent legitimate concerns of their members? Teachers should have been prioritised.

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Vaccinations should be based on age and then underlying illnesses, of course without coersion. That has to be key.

If you’re not coughing and spluttering you don’t pass on a virus mate, in my view with regard to your post above.