Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I think The vaccine should be rolled out in the way that means my life goes back to normal the quickest.


Life should be back to normal now mate regardless, of vaccines, there is no justification for this lockdown right now in terms of overwhelming the health service.

Which is the pup we were sold along with “its only a few weeks” to flatten the curve over a year ago.

I’d love to know what the transmission percentage is within our hospitals, care homes etc,

They would never publish that though. Way easier to attack people at a funeral, walking 6km from their houses etc


The caveat to that data is the tracing regime is so weak that a group of people could have a face licking orgy outside and test positive a few days later and it would go down as transmission within the home.

I was fully sure that Covid app last year was going to work :rofl:

It was a joke, just like masks, social distancing, washing your hands etc etc

They should have shielded the elderly and vulnerable and let the virus run through the young and healthy naturally in order to gain herd immunity.

What they’re trying to do now wasnt even done in WW2 in terms of peoples personal freedoms being taken away,

End of.

isnt there a good few european countries as locked down as us at the moment - France, Germany, Spain , Italy???

wheel GIF


Nazinphet will be seething the cases are so low. I presume they have a few deaths up their sleeve for tomorrow.


Is that your father mate?

He was young back then.

The pandemic is over
Why don’t you go hoooommmmee


Regarding the asymptotic centres they set up, were they getting much joy? Surely a return of high numbers here would be a good thing, showing that it’s ripping through the country with little effect.

After those low case numbers,RTE will no doubt have a prime time special this week warning of dangers of a 4th wave

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What about a shop worker with the same living situation? In fact, a shop worker is far more likely to be living with parents.

At least in a school they are coming into contact with the same group of people, in a shop it’s a far bigger number and different people every day.



Headlines when Covid numbers low = 4th wave and long covid scare mongering

Headlines when a Scandal breaks involving ffg TDS = a siting of fungi off the cost of Clare or shergars remains found in a bog in Leitrim


They’ll pull out an aul scariant in good time.

The shopkeepers’ union needs to get the finger out here

They reckon the asymptomatic test centers add 60 cases to the daily numbers. So not much of an impact.

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About 5 or 6 times the daily “case numbers” we had last summer though?

We were in single digits back then I think.

The Breton variant can hide from the vaccines, George Lee will breathlessly inform us later.