Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I said above I would have supermarket workers as priority mate

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Yes. Most of Europe is as locked down or more so. The lads on here think theyā€™re different and special and precious little snowflakes, but actually theyā€™re under very light restrictions compared with what much of Europe has in place.

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Cop the fuck on to yourself.

We need to get the candlestick makers sorted out before anyone else

Same old dullards banging the same old drum now, the old low hanging fruit crew high fiving each other :grinning:

It triggers you, which is humourous for a self proclaimed family man of the year. :joy:

I know youā€™re the finest but you have an awful snide posting style.

Its actually amazing how close were coming to the end game and lads almost seem disappointed that theres light at the end of the tunnel .

I donā€™t have the first idea what any of that means, what does my family have to do with anything?

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Look mate, my point was for a great Dad that Iā€™'m sure you are, you should be getting onto your teachers union and telling them your kids need an education and talk of a strike now is completely counter productive.

Iā€™ve even ladybirded it for you there.

We really need the hurling back ASAP because some of the lads here are gone bonkers


Was it discussed here what the story was with the two women who dodged the quarantine?? Have the cops stumbled onto another story here?

They went to dubai with gifted money to get a boob job. They ultimately decided not to bother with the operation. They came home and they didnā€™t have the cash to pay for the quarantine. Now quite possible they blew the cash on nice meals and a few drinks. Also appears they have made several trips to dubai in recent times

All v odd

I think theyā€™re making a mistake by not vaccinating teachers and in doing so theyā€™re risking what I consider absolutely vital, that is, keeping all schools open, thereā€™s no subs available at the moment, classes will continue to be stepped down, entire schools will follow, this will happen.

In theory Iā€™m all for age based vaccination policy but I think this is a mistake, teachers and SNAs are frontline in a classroom, much more so than most, this will sting a lot of them who will not want to risk their more vulnerable relatives,
You can whinge and look for the populous support in here, which youā€™ll get but thereā€™s a good chance theyā€™re shooting the sevens in the foot here


Over on the Ewan thread, mate.

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I donā€™t agree with you at all, genuinely fairplay on the reasonable post back,

Isnt teaching supposed to be a vocation though - this move from your unions in my view is going lead to people who are on the frontline like shopworkers who havent had any break etc with a very bad taste in their mouth.

Has it ever been clarified what the transmission has been in classrooms?

And in regards to my view, its an unpopular one - Iā€™m not here throwing gifs out or posting about auld ones id like to shag or whatever. I donā€™t give a fuck about likes or being liked on the internet or even amongst my own friends,

This is serious stuff. Which I enjoy to debate on here.

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Over here healthcare workers, uniforms and teachers were done first. Then the age groups started.


It would slow down the entire vaccination programme. Also if you allow one group to rank ahead then every other group looks for it - hard to deny it to retail workers etc

Longer vaccination takes the longer the lock down lasts. PPS numbers and DOB is most efficient way to roll it out now.


Update from the real world.

In the local shebeen with about 15 others, then onto a house party, I was actually drinking a few people I didnā€™t know which was a sign of some type of normality resuming. Another get together for the young lads, itā€™s only a matter of time before we all join together again and have 40+ people in the one location.

One of the lads tipped off to a huge house party two parishes over to try and get a female acquaintance for the night.

Iā€™m dying now. Itā€™s the way it should be on a bank holiday Monday.



Young people like your good self mate should be let live.

Life is too short ffs.

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I wonā€™t be giving the government my government issued PPS number. You can be sure of that.


I donā€™t get involved in that shit either, mate.
I donā€™t give a fuck about my union, I have hated unions all my life, I havenā€™t missed a day in work except for my mothers passing, in six years, I turn up and do my job, when i work from home I work harder and enjoy it less,
I have no interest in being vaccinated, Iā€™ve said it before, I am a positive person, Iā€™m healthy as is my family, I have no parents to worry about, Iā€™ll take my chances.
But i have colleagues that are affected, because they do the work they do they are afraid of passing something to elderly relatives, vulnerable children etc, they are frront line workers and they have been lied to, they should be vaccinated before 45 year olds working at home, 100%.

What i do on a day to day basis in work is not comparable to what a shop worker does, this is the truth, but i think shop workers should have been vaccinated along with teachers and SNAs