Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I agree.

One of the lads mothers works in a shop which has been closed for the last year. She is your typical 53 year old woman who watches the RTE news 4 times a day. Your man even admitted she’s brainwashed.

Anyway we were chatting away last night when his mother text wondering how many of us were there. He txt back “6 social bubbles”. We got a great laugh out of it.


Cannot argue with any of that, mate

From an optics point of view though - I think potentially its going to distract again from the shitshow that has been this governments pandemic.

Again in my view, they have made a complete mess of it,

They are unreal though for pulling a stroke like that after having an unfavourable poll yesterday.

Call me a crank, but I think thats no coincidence.

Real nasty element creeping in here of late.

You hate to see it

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Flag it up to the top of the house.

Decent summation in my view.

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I’d be wary of clicking that link lads

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Your boy @carryharry has taken the day off has he? To be fair you would have been out to bat anyway, I don’t know how you do it,

Gas cunts the two of ye are.

You’ve a lot of aggression. I understand you’re ashamed for what you said yesterday but don’t feel you can be seen to back down on the internet, but it’s a little man who can’t admit when he’s wrong.

No harm to have a bit of spring cleaning around here.

RTE bigging up the Breton variant - very significant concerns apparently.

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You couldnt make it up.

There is no vaccine going to cure irrational media driven fear.

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What happened to the Californian one they were harping on about a two weeks back?

That’s in America and it wouldn’t be politically expedient to apply restrictions against America, so that one’s not that dangerous now.

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RTE news : Talks on extending mandatory quarantine due this week

This says we have to build up vaccination first before variants can be let in.

I don’t understand this argument at all. Variants have to be kept out at all costs until we’re vaccinated, but then it’s ok? What difference do they make now?

I know I’ll probably disagreed with it, bit what’s the case that he’s trying to make?

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Scariants are deadlier.

The working class being singled out again. One rule for the elites.


More walk in testing clinics for next weekend

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They’re closely aligned with the goalkeepers Union. Bob Wilson and Ben dunne used get on great at the annual conference below in the gleneagles hotel

Covid is always taking it handy on bank Holidays