Coronavirus - Here come the variants

The people going into them are beyond comprehension really.

Yup I reckon so. The drug molls with sailin funbags will be our freedom heros. Covid has fucked up the world that I’m supporting that carry on

Tbf with all the teacher bashing on here, you’re a good one mate.

Traitors mate. They would have taken soup.

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In fairness mate, I know a lot of teachers and most are very dedicated, and care very much about the children under their charge, the teacher bashing doesn’t bother me, as I say it’s low hanging fruit stuff from people desperate to be edgy

I wouldn’t judge any teacher on their lockdown performance, I’ve seen people give out about that and its disappointing but it doesn’t reflect their ability or otherwise to do a great job in normal times

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Its an easy target considering the teaching unions are probably the noisiest in the country. The opinion of the union doesn’t reflect the opinion of all teachers. I know many who are are against a lot of the union bs and vote against any industrial action

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Can anybody post the below please?


Do you really want to? Its the same shite written in a different way

Be interesting to see if McGregor has to quarantine in a Premier Inn with two kids and a pregnant missus on his return.

I’m sure he’ll be delighted to keep the girlos who went for the boob jobs warm

This fella won’t get on RTE with an attitude like that.

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Its over. Covid is only for reeling in the years in 2031

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Baseline measures - not what anyone wants to hear.

Its done. If there is anything we can learn from the last 14 months is experts are just as clueless as the rest of us. They just have a fancy title and a few extra letters after their name.

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Luke luke luke. Pints pints pints. Skin fades skin fades skin fades

Luke O’Neill is the only hope to face down NPHET.

Hes the only one with multiple letters behind his name that will. He’s also got the hearts and minds on the rte/newstalk listeners. He deserves the freedom of Dublin

Luke is gasping for a pint
Fair play Luke

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