Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I’ll buy the fucker a pint myself if he can get us out of this


Most teachers I know are in it for the handy hours and holidays but play it off like they’re heroes. You’re one of the few good guys and we’re lucky to have you.

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I don’t get it. Possible same scale of deaths as first 2020 wave yet the entire adult population will be vaccinated by the Summer in the UK. Something not adding up there.


Nail on the head mate, it actually makes the rollout of the vaccines appear to be far less important than many people perceive,

That is UK’s Nphet equivalent talking, the same will be said and done here more than likely you’d imagine,

Hopefully, they’re just being pessimistic and really cautious. Time will tell.

At a push I’d say it’s the medical/scientific junta trying to shape a post-Covid world in a manner that suits them. So face coverings and social distancing every winter. Means less respiratory illnesses like flu clogging up the system. Limited socialising due to social distancing means quieter hospitals every weekend, etc, etc. I don’t think these boffins are too concerned about people’s jobs that would be redundant because of their advice.

Power and influence (and money) is never given up easily. Eventually governments will have to say thanks for everything and put them back in their boxes.


Tbf they are trialing out limited crowds at events etc. Our only hope out of this shite at this stage is to the follow the furrow they plough

The Ploughing?

The ploughing can be the nations relaunch

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Additional freedoms will be granted to people once they have been fully vaccinated, the Tanaiste has said.

Leo Varadkar has confirmed the Government is developing a “digital green certificate vaccine pass” for people to prove they have been fully inoculated.

He said the Government would introduce “additional measures for the fully vaccinated, more freedoms for those who have been vaccinated”.

Fucking nuts.


Luke was on the radio a couple of days ago saying children would have to be vaccinated, now he’s throwing a few coins at the simpletons just to keep them sweet like. He’s a slippery fish in fairness.


He’s dangerous.

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I’d say hes the dodgiest of the lot of them.

The Chinese are some operators.

Tbh I think this will be more to do with a short term carrot to encourage vaccination.

I doubt it will make a difference. The group least motivated to do it will be at the end of the queue and at least risk, so your 19 year old in August with very few cases around and a high % already vaccinated won’t exactly be keenly motivated. There isn’t a hope in the hell that Ireland can put a system together for domestic activity in a couple of months that satisfies the legal and logistical issues required. They’ll be clear soon enough.

Travel might be the one where this practically encourages people, with this out of our hands domestically.

Unless you are an anti vaxxer though you’d still probably do it… For the sake of a half hour of your time

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Apparently 1 of the Dubai two has tested postive for Covid.

They’re off on 3 months holidays shortly so no need to vaccinate them.

They don’t. They are agitating for freedoms during their three month summer sojourn.

Over 70s won’t be completed until mid May. You’re on holidays a few weeks after that.

Let’s just call it for what it is and save the bullshit spinning.

I called how teachers would do this months back. When the summer holidays were coming up and they had not been vaccinated then the klaxon would be sounded.

The first 20 minutes are essential listening to put the lockdown into context against the rest of the world. Nphet and the hse need to be taken to task