Coronavirus - Here come the variants

You’ll have to excuse me, and with all due respect I will not be debating this with you.

You have your opinions and you’re entitled to them, you’re not alone,
But nothing I say will make a blind bit of difference so I’ll agree to disagree even if you don’t, I want every school to stay open all the time


Who’s on 3 months holiday?

“Freedoms will be granted” sounds like something A Chinese politician would say. Hearing something like that from an Irish politician is actually scary


One third of those born in 1965…quite a stat.

Boob job lady positive!

We shipped our deaths to England and laughed at how bad they were doing. Its madness the money we spend on healthcsre for the youngest population in Europe

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Haha, hopefully the press corps that were desperate for a photo have to isolate as well.


In this case.

The 65 year old father is surely the priority and not the teacher.

So many terrible arguments being made for teachers here.

What we know is that the over 70s will not be concluded until mid May and these people are the utmost priority. So 2 weeks after the over 70s are concluded - the secondary schools shut for 3 months. So why do secondary schools teachers need a vaccine?

Primary schools shut about 5 weeks after the over 70s are finished. We also know it takes about 4 weeks after the first dose for the vaccine to really take effect. So really the only commitment the govt should be making to teachers is that they will have their first dose before the end of the first week in Aug.

It’s quite clear that teachers are anxious that they won’t be vaccinated before the start of their summer holidays and may not have the freedoms of vaccinated people for June/July/Aug.


Secondary school teachers.

It would also be terrible that teachers now might have to use two days of their summer holidays up to get the vaccine.

If they are vaccinated during the school year, they might be able to miss a day to get the vaccine and then also take a few days sick leave when they feel unwell after getting it.

It’s a really tough blow for teachers.

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She probably caught it in prison.


It would happen as under current guidance they’d still have to self isolate because the “vaccine doesn’t stop transmission”.

If we start to vaccinate by group of workers we’ll be here til Autumn. That’s fine for public workers who are paid and whose business are not closed down.

If teachers and Gardai jump queue then retail and transport workers should too.

Vaccinating by DOB allows quickest vaccine roll out


It also means the most vulnerable teachers and guards will be vaccinated first. Any person with their own underlying conditions will be vaccinated in that cohort, as will any vulnerable people they are living with.
I don’t see how any fit and healthy teachers could argue against that.


I’m sure if the teachers unions were offered a pay deal they’d be back in class like a shot.

I think it’s madness that teachers aren’t getting vaccinated ahead of others …

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GardaĂ­ more so, anyone working with people with special needs, and teachers. I find it bizarre that people can argue against that.

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Where are you seeing that?