Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Oh for god’s sake would you calm down, this is hysterical. (Unless you’re just joking and I’ve missed it.) It makes complete sense that people who have been vaccinated, in particular the elderly, can meet people or have visitors to their homes again. It would be mad to operate differently.

Yeah I agree Gardai but I suppose being cold about it teachers have way more of an audience to transmit it to and also there’s a bigger knock on affect , it can stop everything - works stops for parents as they have to mind kids who are at home etc.

The issue is with teachers is that they will be sitting on their holes very shortly after they’re in a position to get the vaccine for 3 months. It wastes a vaccine on someone who is at higher risk and could have gotten it.

I hope the irony isn’t lost on you here.

“Freedoms will be granted” sound like something a Chinese politician would say, no?

Anyone with their eyes & ears open knows the real story.

Idiots shouting constitutional rights etc for those 2 cunts need a good long look in the mirror.

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It’s just a bit dumb to risk closing down more classes and schools for the sake of vaccinating healthy people at no risk,
And for what? Because it’s administratively easier to coordinate, most people here would be normally apoplectic to hear that.

It’s not right to assume everybody feels like me or you on this, some people are afraid, and that’s their right, but they have to go into a room with 30 or more people repeating no masks and with limited understandings of hygienic practices, in some special classes you’d have unbleilevable situations, which I can’t go into here,

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So constitutional rights should only apply to some of the population?


Summer holidays.

Apparently so,scobes don’t deserve rights.


It’s like something from a Nazi Party pamphlet.

It isn’t really the issue at all. Even if it’s the case that teachers would only be teaching for about a month after being vaccinated, I think that’s around about the right timeframe, then there is a compelling case to vaccinate them before people who can work from home. It’s not just about the teachers, the interruptions to students’ education is a factor that should be considered too.

@Bisto, Gardaí even more so than teachers in my view. The job brings them into close contact with people and at the moment they regularly have to escort people or enter homes of people who are isolating etc. Their chances of encountering covid are greater than anyone else’s in my view, we ask a lot of Gardaí and we’re not giving them even a minimal token of protection in return.

I can’t see any reason why this can’t be organised as a concurrent stream with age based vaccination for the rest of the population.


Primary teachers don’t get 3 months.

A month?

It takes a month for the vaccine to kick in properly. Commit to having teachers done by the first week in August.

Otherwise it is a waste of a vaccine on people who are more at risk. The only people angling for this seem to be teachers and their unions. They don’t seem to have too much support on this. People can see it for the cynical move it is for teachers to have freedoms during the summer months when they are on their generous leave. Trying to spin it as a health and safety concern and take those vaccines off more vulnerable groupings is just selfish.

They get about 4 months during the course of the year.

Are we still holding back a large amount of doses for a rainy day or have they been administered?

That’s not what you’re saying above tho.


How many outbreaks have happened in schools though?

Or amongst guards?

I read a doctor in South Africa state that when someone receives a vaccine, they have basically been infected and can transmit the virus. On this basis, students and teachers are far safer without the vaccine than with. Teachers shouldn’t get vaccinated until they get their holidays and they can isolate.
Personally, I think their mad in the head wanting one at all. My father in laws best friend was in a very healthy state as of last Wednesday morning. She was in her mid 70’s. She then received the vaccine and didn’t feel well. She was dead by Saturday. We also have a middle aged doctor in the locality who brain hemorrhaged three days after vaccination. Of course, We won’t hear George Lee report this or Nphet report the death.

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How many workers have we in supermarkets and meat factories?

Should they be prioritised before teachers?