Coronavirus - Here come the variants

The ship has sailed now…

We should have been vaccinating nurses, guards , carers and teachers in parallel with vulnerable from the start. Don’t mind the hording doses for a rainy day. Once schools, hospitals and the guards can operate society can fly open.

Ye filled yer knickers for these two without pausing to take breath, terribly silly behaviour.

No. Vaccinating teachers first was the wrong strategy.

I think in countries that did this it actually had more cases and deaths relative to populations than countries who prioritised the elderly and at risk categories.

Italy did this and is bad right now with case numbers and deaths.

The anti teacher brigade could actually come at this from an anti teacher angle. Vaccinate the useless bastards so they’ve no excuse to shut the schools again and sit at home watching amazon prime video.

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You’re completely wrong there. Lots of posters have posted that they think teachers should be vaccinated as a priority. As usual you ignore anything that doesn’t correspond with your extremist viewpoint.

What you’ve said is proven wrong even by just a cursory glance over this thread.


I don’t believe I’ve made much comment on it. All I noted was that you think constitutional rights should only apply to certain sections of the population.

You’re basically espousing the ideals of values of far right fascists. It’s an interesting insight to the workings of your mind.

Loads of posters?

Let’s have a poll then.

I don’t understand why teachers would get vaccines first. With the same logic being applied you could also make a case for the schoolkids themselves to be vaccinated first

:joy: :joy: :joy:

We’ve move to full bore making up facts now.

Should teachers be vaccinated as priority before end of current school year?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I’ve given an example.

I deal in facts.

Italy is an example of it.

You’re the guy who screams the loudest and then throws a tantrum when the facts trip you up.

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No point vaccinating them now.


I could see logic in it if we were in October but right now the unions are only angling for the summer months and holidays.

The over 70s are priority. If it was now October I could see the logic in vaccinating teachers as priority after the over 70s are done. As teachers are soon off on 2/3 months leave, it defeats the purpose of vaccinating them as priority.

I don’t know, honestly.

In my own school we have had two classes stood down for what I think was two weeks each, separate cases. We were very lucky as the HSE ‘investigator’ was very diligent in recording all the movements of the infected people, there are shared SNAs and limited space casinos where people are in contact with other bubbles but in those cases nothing was amiss and it was just the classes, the domino effects could have easily shut down the entire school

How many teachers have died of Covid?

But just the teachers being vaccinated would have minimal to non existent effect on the kids themselves becoming infected which is what closes classes or schools

An infected teacher has far more potential
to shut down an entire school

There is a massive teacher shortage. If teachers are out due to covid, you cant get subs. That is what closes schools.

Personally, Im happy my school is safe enough. All measures are in place to protect staff and students. That most certainly is not being replicated across country.

Primary teachers where students do not wear masks should be prioritised. That is fair and reasonable.


But what’s the point now when even if you are prioritised, you are a few weeks away from going off on 2/3 months leave?

Has this happened often? From the cases I’ve heard the kids are much more likely to be the ones that get infected