Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Look im not going to engage with you with the greatest respect.


Because there is no getting away from the opportunistic line that is being spun.

Is it even possible for Maura in the HSE and Ashutosh to devise a system where teachers, Gardai or any other cohort are identified and allotted appointments in the correct locations in a timely manner etc?

No because you are a prick.


The vaccine rollout has been underway since the end of December.

Teachers have been fairly quiet until now in April when it now looks like they wonā€™t be vaccinated in time for their summer holidays.

The only pricks here are the teachers and their unions who are agitating for vaccines so they can have the potential to travel this summer and enjoy the freedoms that come with it.

They should wait their turn like everyone else but of course they want to hold the country to ransom.

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Again I donā€™t know, it probably hasnā€™t been published.
But teachers can of course contract the virus, and if they do would almost certainly be a greater risk to closing down an entire school

Was wondering where he ended up.



Christ above. This is what you are dealing with here.


Iā€™m not a doctor m8, Iā€™m taking a medical professionals opinion, isnā€™t that what we are all doing?
Do you understand the science behind it, if so plase enlighten me. Thanks in advance.

No one else in the world has said this. But one doctor in SA has now, it must be true.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

ā€œFallen womenā€ in the 1970s were viewed the same way. Weā€™ve not developed much as a country.

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Ultimate Warrior Wrestling GIF by WWE

If anyone wanted proof that Long Covid is a cod then I need not say anymore.

Imagine teachers milking something like Covid for all its worth.


Hang on - are you saying that there are whole swathes of the population ā€œat no riskā€ ?

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You seem to be assuming that all teachers always agree with the teaching unions outlook. There would be a disconnect between the head of a teaching union and the opinions of young post-2011 teachers who would be on relatively meagre wages compared to their older counterparts. They donā€™t necessarily represent every teachers opinions, just the more vocal ones.

List of teachers who have come out and said that it is right that they wait their turn with everyone else?

List of teachers who have spoken out against the union on this?


Still on a very good wage.

I think the point is clear that people working from home are at less risk than people not working from home.

How many people not at risk working from home are being vaccinated now?