Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I think the country will get some reprieve via lelvel 3 restirctions during the summer months, but these new variants are different gravy - with waiting lists like we have and lack of beds in ICU, the sensible decision is to level 5 lockdown each winter going forward.

I donā€™t agree with it, but reckon that is whats on the cards.

Thankfully 90% of posters here are middle aged.

Do you think is he near wise?

Absolute morto for him and the poster @Bandage tonight

@bandage is a fat disgusting cunt.

He is admired though.

And that was before Mickey made a show of himself

Youā€™re supposed to be uniting the forum? Marching forth to freedomā€¦

Lookit heā€™s seen off six presidents and still coining it at 80. Not a bad innings.

Brits expecting to reach the HIT by the end of May (or even earlier).

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I think the poll shows only 30% of Labour voters favour Zero Covid :joy:

So 3 people


Neil ferguson has seen off about as many prime ministers, and him only a corner boy

Well now :thinking:


Dr Mike looks like heā€™s about to burst.

Is that Ben Dunne?


Clearly not living the hunter gatherer lifestyle he wants for the rest of us.

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And yet that economic growth over last 3 decades has lifted most of worlds population out of absolute poverty.

Heā€™s right but Itā€™s multi faceted and not clear how we pivot to a new system. After this anything is possible including a rise of extremism and threats to democracy.

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Maybe a good rather than great reset would be sufficent.

Not to speak of the fact itā€™s economic growth that has driven population growth.

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Whats your view on the technocratic capitalism system weā€™re in now mate?

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