Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Fergal will be getting a P45 in the morning.

Tom’s not having it

Ewan needs to get stuck into him

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The gloves are off

If I see that smarmy little cunt around town it’s going to take an awful lot of zen to resist giving him a boot up the hole. Whoever decided to give the whiny know it all cunt a platform on RTÉ should be shot.


I disagree with the 67pc and the 54pc in those stats but I agree with the 94pc in fairness.

Thank you, I think.

I try not to worry about it.

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We can’t open up too early or we’ll be sent back to L5 and the junta will be more powerful than before. LIDTF till June.

It actually looks like more time has been spent identifying variants than the actual virus
“the legend…”

It’s a hard place for the opposition to be in. They have to try to show a point of difference to the government, without undermining the public health effort (or being seen to), and without access to the range of advice and date that the government have.

Also, a lot of people have referred to the rte polls of people wanting more restrictions. I think these are mindless and not reflective of what people actually want if their position was interrogated at all. I think the people answering actually want more restrictions, but for other people, not for themselves. It’s like the witchhunt against travel, for most people who don’t need to travel it’s easy to call for the airport’s to be shut. It’s like all the idiots going out for a walk somewhere and tutting about all the crowds of other people that are out for a walk.


Is that an option? If so I’m in

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I’m also in favour of tax increases for other people. #we’reallinthistogether

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It’s hilarious to watch “influencers” criticising people online and then a week later posting themselves doing something that’s at least bending the rules if not outright breaking them. The lack of self awareness is entertaining


this will “NEVER” happen in Europe says @glasagusban

Still preferable to hotels.

The only reason people want hotels is because they want to see army stopping the dirty foreign Covid.

It’s the far right you see