Coronavirus - Here come the variants

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These lunatics have the ear of half the DĂĄil with NPHET and the DoH supportive of their tactics.

We do not have a political class brave enough right now to actually govern. It will take a while for this lot to fuck off.


These boys must be making some coin out if this. Its the only explanation ar this stage.

A few of them refusing to allow comparisons with other Scandinavian countries. Of course comparing with the worst performing countries is ok though. Some amount of denial. You’d wonder does Tegnell sleep well at night with all those fatalities hanging over him.

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The “experts” in NPHET/DoH/HSE have shown remarkably little tendency to provide political solutions up to now. Why do it this time?

The New Yorker, Breitbart for the left.

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That’s a good one, especially since GRIPT has become the journalistic medium of choice for some here :grinning:

I think that article is remarkably balanced and fair. The author far from dismisses the initial Swedish approach – the piece’s opening made it seem this approach would actually be endorsed – but a series of grey areas subsequently emerge, on foot of what various Swedes say and observe. What journalistic line could be fairer, for a review article of that type?

No one knows as yet. I certainly do not know. What gets me is people pretending they know, because they are addicted to dismissiveness as an idiom. And I coldly laugh when people hold lockdowns do not work because people will not obey them. Inverting that logic, lockdowns do work in significant degree, because if people did observe them numbers would decrease. But logic and coherence is not catnip to certain factions, as per the Dubai Two.

That article from The Atlantic I posted a while back is the only one that explained to me, as a layman, why certain countries have done better than other countries. Funny enough, no one was interested in that article.

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Breitbart is for fleecing simpletons who are in search of a personality alibi.

Give Milo a kiss for us.

Case numbers falling in Texas


Does it never cross your mind to question why left leaning publications constantly point to Sweden as the country which went against the grain in Europe and the result was disastrous? It’s exactly the same dynamic in the US where Florida and Ron DeSantis are attacked relentlessly for their “disastrous” approach to the pandemic. It’s a narrative mate, and as a claimed intellectual you shouldn’t fall for it.

It’s understandable that a dullard like @mikehunt will never understand this, but surely someone who graduated top of his class should have the required wit. There are a few countries that got it right in terms of handing this pandemic, they adopted a zero Covid approach from the start, borders closed, strict travel restrictions, efficient test and trace of the small number of cases they had to deal with. They had no first wave, no second wave, no third wave and will likely have no fourth or fifth wave. The countries in Europe that pursued this approach were Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland.

To compare any other country in the world to Norway and Finland or indeed New Zealand is utterly moronic. Every other country in Europe and state in the US pursued a containment strategy not an elimination strategy, and the results bear this out. Of the countries that pursued the containment strategies, Sweden is towards the bottom of the list in terms of deaths. There are a few countries that have done a little better, including Ireland and the Netherlands, but the great majority have done worse (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal), and many of them far worse (UK, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Rep).

The reason the New Yorker (and the Guardian, constantly) point to Sweden is to deflect from the absolute shit job that was done in their own back yard. It’s utterly pathetic that you can’t see through the bullshit.


How well do you think the health ministers of Italy, France, Spain, UK, Czech Rep, Hungary are sleeping? How about Andrew Cuomo in New York, his borderline criminal actions resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands in nursing homes? I’d hope none of them are sleeping soundly.

Does anybody else play the game of ‘guess who liked this post’
I’ve gotten really good at it, there’s a formula!


Oh, I see through the bullshit, alright. I have done from the start.

Nowhere is done with Covid yet, alas.

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Breitbart bingo, with Milo as Shirley Temple Bar.

The ego has landed.

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And so many lads are now stranded, as ever.

Tis one thing to be waiting for Godot. But to be waiting for Dr Dolores Cahill truly out Becketts Beclett for abjection.

Did you read the article mike? Quite balanced really.

A patina of patients.

The bar gets higher and higher to lift the restrictions though.

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Because this is their problem. Senior officials in health realise they are not going to be able to manage the current priority list so senior officials in health change the priority list. The second group are not independent of the first group, they are colleagues in the same organisations.