Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Whatever happened to all the videos of people collapsing on the street in China in early 2020 due to covid? Sure that never happened over here.

Also the rush for ventilators everyone was building them to donate.

Any everyone 3D printing face shields, that were proven to be a complete cod.

Madness thinking back to 12 months ago

Unfortunately the nightmare has only gotten worse given the reaction of the last 12 months

Big brother, eradication of democracy and common sense is absent in most people. Worlds fucked

How zero covid folk though MHC would work

Freedom is just a screwdriver away

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The Swedish seem happy enough with how Tegnell has done. It’s interesting that the advocates of the Swedish approach are the same ones fuming with NPHET, calling it some sort of dictatorship. Seems to be only one person making the calls in Sweden.

Another anti restriction hero of yours is doing well too…

Nearly a year on after your hilarious ‘done with Covid’ prediction and it’s still the same old schtick of ‘look over there’. Understandable I suppose. Amusing how you labelled Norway, Finland and Denmark as ‘zero covid’ as if this is some sort of insult to get handy likes from the other knuckle daggers. They were never going for zero covid.

That’s the equivalent of 90 deaths in ireland. A much larger country with a poor healthcare system and rampant poverty. Context is good

So, nothing to see here? You consider 90 deaths in Ireland in one day from the same thing an irrelevance?

You’re the one who said you were in favour of legalising beastiality so no point in crying to me about it.


This must be some sort of parody


So young people, who are at no risk, who’ve sacrificed a year of their lives can fuck off. That’s nice

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The lads who’ve blagged their way to vaccines will be laughing. The mugs who’ve waited their turn can wait another while

I need my fresh fade. My hair is the longest its been in years.

I couldn’t see the logistics of that being feasible

To date, 273k are fully vaccinated and about a third of them would be those in long term care facilities.

So who’s going to serve the fully vaccinated people? All the unvaccinated people?


In Limerick I see Applecrumbled’s councillor friend has made enemies among the faithful.
@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy @Tank @maroonandwhite @backinatracksuit @glenshane @TreatyStones