Coronavirus - Here come the variants

How many of the over 70s are slapheads?

That is just not fair.

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Ok to all the lads who said this was coming I take it all back.

Anything our crowd can possibly get wrong they will get wrong.


I vaguely remember NPHET and Government saying that we need to avoid a societal apartheid by asking vulnerable people to simply stay at home

Although this looks like kites being flown as per usual

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Bit of carrot to urge people to get vaccinated … Get the jab and we’ll let you out to play.
I dont see the issue with letting vaccinated people out tho. Shur the elderly could go any day, let em out ta fuck. We’ll all be back at it in September, it’s only a few months.

I don’t see an issue with letting everyone go to the shop or get a haircut

How would a measure like this be remotely enforceable?

That’s never gonna happen with our lot… the sooner the jabbers get out there and show the vaccine works the better it is for everyone - baby steps.

I’m 70, and so is my wife …

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Yes, I have very conflicted feelings about this report.

One the one hand I don’t want to begrudge anyone getting a haircut. On the other hand arguments that young people should be allowed go about their business were dismissed by advocates for the elderly as creating an apartheid society. Better to have everyone suffer than to have some people enjoying themselves, was the rationale. Now that they’re the ones being allowed out, that has been completely dispensed with.

These people are cheats. They are the biggest and most sanctimonious mé feiners in history. No-one with any self-respect would indulge with their bullshit.


You’re talking about Ireland right?

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Rampant poverty? Compared to where?



Compared to any western country. About 15 million, or three times the population of Ireland, live in extreme poverty in Brazil. Defined by the UN as living on less than $2 a day and having essentially no access to safe drinking water, sanitation, heath care, education, etc. In terms of what we define as poverty in the west, there’s about another 60 million in Brazil living on less than $5 a day.

If ever there was an argument for bringing back the dumb rating. Literally everything you have said there is incorrect.

This so called “vaccine bonus” they’re trying to push can fuck right off.


50 quid a person for getting it. Not bad, I’ll stick it in the poor box.

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Have the US given a breakdown of the vaccines they have administered yet by which vaccine?

I’d be interested to see how J&J are getting on in terms of their distribution.

Thanks buddy. Every little helps

Got a message from the GP’s today to book my vaccine. Booked in for Sunday morning. I’ll report back if I grow an extra arm or if my hair falls out.


Are they still on track to have everyone jabbed by 1 May?