Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Everyone 16 and older eligible for vaccination by May 1, although almost all states have implemented that by now. Iā€™d say end of May is a realistic target for getting most jabbed that are getting the jab.

The Americans dont fuck around when shit needs doing


Drive through vaccination and a free Krispy Kreme doughnut is all it takes.

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Iā€™m tempted to book my road trip holiday there for September. Be nice to spend some time in the free world

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Jaysus, Cllr Eliza is box office, and terrier like.

If I wanted to bring a forum down sheā€™d be my politician of choice.


Youā€™d miss us though.

Iā€™d say that weekly call to the guards gets the played on loudspeaker treatmentā€¦

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You said Finland, Norway and Denmark went for zero Covid. They didnā€™t.

Almost a year ago you made an imbecilic prediction that Sweden were done with Covid. They werenā€™t.

You continually say Ireland is in lockdown even though Ireland fail to meet all the criteria needed to satisfy the definition which you hilariously posted a link to.

If you were even half as bright as you think you are youā€™d be doing something more productive than spending all your waking hours talking shite on an obscure GAA forum from the other side of the Atlantic.


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You seem very angry, maybe go out and get some fresh air.

Zero Covid is a strategy or strategies to get Covid transmission as close to zero as possible and ultimately eliminate it. It was quite possible early days by strict border and travel control, as the countries mentioned implemented, they have never had a serious wave of cases or deaths compared to the rest of Europe. Anyone calling for Zero Covid now in countries where the disease is endemic is a complete moron, as it would involve a hard lockdown with 100% participation for at least 4 weeks and strict border controls, not going to happen. The only realistic route to Zero Covid now is vaccination, the UK looks well on the way.

I made no predictions about Sweden a year ago, stop lying.

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  • NFL forum.
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Itā€™s done

I know nothing of her, but sheā€™s acting like a dickhead there. There are people outside a church doing fuck all, well spaced out and praying. They are not making noise or interfering with other people, but sheā€™s making it her business to stick her nose in ā€œfor her constituentsā€. If her constituents have an issue, they contact someone who has authority to do something, not her. I know nothing of the people or the church so they could be nut jobs and of Gemma O Doherty ilk, but they are harming no one in that video, why make such an issue about it and be such an arse to snitch on them?


It should be self evident from the numbers that having the schools closed results in vastly less cases.

The ā€˜legal dutyā€™ sneer towards the camera was revealing

Think a female version of Aodhan Oā€™Riordain.

Heart is probably in the right place but the more woke a cause is, the better. Needless to say sheā€™s all for free speech unless itā€™s a cause she disagrees with, as seen above.

Those people outside at that gathering were minding their own business and not making trouble for anyone. Pathetic for her to go out of her way and make a scene, basically wasting the time of the Gardai.


She takes herself very seriously on some things, seems like a loose cannon.
Iā€™ve commented before that she seems to have little self awareness, those people are indeed loopers but theyā€™re doing no real harm, Iā€™ve often passed through them.
I know her a bit, Iā€™d be pally with her brother in law, Iā€™ve met her socially with him and she seemed like a nice girl, but sheā€™s blanked me for a good while now, I started noticing after Mouse had his trouble with her, I was actually wondering if she thought that I was actually him, but Iā€™ve ruled that out.
Ifeelabit sorry for her, it must be difficult to be that woke, nobody could ever please you in the real world


Has she been added to COTY thread yet?

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I donā€™t know how people do it

DĆ© Gascunt fella trying to bluff with reinfection after the vaccine. Even he looks like he knows the is bull shitting the way he is stuttering