Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I knew it was going to be a long Pandemic when that @Antcon Cork gastro wankologist off twitter referred to De Gascun with a matey “Gazza” after one of his first appearances around this time last year. CDG, or anthing he we would ever say thereafter, was tainted for me.


Wake me up when September ends

She also has cats.A wokester with cats. Hope she likes single life.

She seems like she goes out of her way to be triggered. The woke brigade are tolerant of views once they fit their own myopic view of the world. She should be charged for wasting Garda time.

She seems like a fuckin dose


I fucking hate cats. I fucking hate them. The cunts would ate you eventually if you dropped dead beside them. A dog would starve and die beside you.

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I’d have no major issue with her myself, I don’t know her, but you’d see her out and about all the time and she seems nice enough.

She’s part of a very very small group of very very vocal Limerick social media types who are constantly giving their opinion on everything and retweeting each other and one going further than the next to show how woke and liberal they are. Its well meaning, but its a pile of wank at the same time. Most of their causes are fair enough in general and I’d admire anyone who has a cause and campaigns for it and protests etc.
But its a different cause every week with these types and they are no sooner finished cancelling someone, marching for something or other, or changing their profile pic to the latest trendy cause, than they are onto to the next thing with no follow through on the previous. Which tells me they had no strong feelings on it in the first place.

They are all soc dem supporters as well for some reason


They go on n holidays to Paris and take a photo of people enjoying themselves in n the Jardin de Luxembourg
‘This is what Arthur’s Quay park would be like with some investment’


How long until the superspreader protests are reflected in the numbers?

I reckon in general she means well too but like a lot of people nowadays on the “woke” side, they often cannot see the other point of view at all.

That behaviour “ringing the guards” on a few people saying a few prayers on a Sunday outside a church is wrong.

I don’t even get the motivation as to why she would do it. Live and let live, there is a bang of hypocrisy off that whole woke spiel otherwise isnt there.

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Cats are very practical intelligent animals. Moron dog there whining pointlessly.

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That’s exactly my point. Ergo. Cunts

Dogs in the wild out hunt cats. Lions scavenge from hyenas more than hyenas scavenge from lions

Hyenas aren’t closely related to either cats or dogs. They’re extremely weird creatures. I think they go in the felines group though.


And panthers, pumas, four legged cougars? Let’s see a labradoodle tackle them cunts

Wolves and African wild dogs. Cleverer hunters.

I did not know that. I always thought they were dogs.

Cheetahs would literally run rings around them

For two seconds until they overheat. Wolves play the long game

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AZ blood clotting case with a 40 yr old Dublin woman.