Coronavirus - Here come the variants

as opposed to the far wrong :thinking:


The SF polling is predictable. The GP polling is more interesting.

:man_facepalming::man_facepalming:Politics is depressing as fuck in Ireland

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lookā€¦ SF operates as a protest party
they will never be in power and their strength in is opposition, in fact being in power would represent a disaster for them
now they tend to draw on a very wide reservoir for the votes from alleged ā€œrepublcansā€ to welfare heads to students and fellas who arent really paying any bills but are reading a lot of books about Castro even tho are mid 30ā€™s and still living in a room in their parents houseā€¦
They will attack the government whatever way they see fit, their policies will be anti whatever the government is doing depite even in this case vouching for the most fascist of all policies like 0 covid when if FG mentioned this they would be screaming blue murder (pardon the pun).


They also draw votes from fellas who fall into none of your categories but are sick shit of ff and fg.

exactly - protest votes

Exactly. But sure what are votes for fg and ff for?

ah its easy from the cheap seats tho
fellas can moan an complain about Leo et al but the alternatives to them dont bear thinking about about
look you know me - i think this covid thing is a load of nonsense and the place should be just opened up- but imagine having a bunch of dopes in there thinking they can get ā€œ0ā€ covid?.?.. ill take meehole over that tbh

I was always wondering who he like and that could be it - also very like character around Listowel

I honestly think there would be no difference if sf were in power. There is nothing outlandish in their policies. They have the usual mix of decent enough operators and useless cunts. They have made a fuck of this current crisis but ff and fg have made a fuck of countless things since the foundation of the state and we keep voting them back in. Theyā€™ve not been all bad obviously and either would sf. Would be more of the same really but at least would feel like a change and trying something different. Without the IRA baggage that some people can never put aside they would waltz in.

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If they can vaccinate as good as they cant test we would be laughing.

Where is this one from? Will set the usual heads offf

i couldnt give a shit about the IRA nonsense tbh- you have to be fair with people and deal with the here and now and i think the woman running the thing is doing her best to carefully try to make that seperationā€¦slowly.
Things like irish Unity tho - i mean thatā€™s an absolute cod in my book and they need to drop that- we are struggling to support our own people without taking on a welfare state ( NI) ā€¦SF have no economic policies at all that one can attest to so all you will see is one of the most draconian system of taxation to support this dead weight that would lead to mass emmigration and probably would see investment leave the country.

look - i always hear them out but there are things they prioritise like border polls and this utter lalala land stuff about irish unity that wont fix any problems that we haveā€¦ its merely a defelection ( its like netanyahu in israelā€¦ to get the working class on his side he goes on about annexing the WB to deflect from the fact that his own domestic problems and levels of corruption are impacting peopleā€¦and all the nationalistic fuckers are beating their chests as the vote him in)ā€¦ thats SF

But youā€™re still not telling me what FF and FG stand for? What are their specific policy differences to sf that makes you feel they are a such a better option. Thereā€™s fuck all difference.

look - you are right - the rock , hard place analogy is there i agree
if anything these guys make a reasonable fist of it is attracting investment and jobs to the country - we dont have it too bad here you know- really a lot of our problems are very first world- if you work bloody hard, have a fucking good attitude and arent reckless finacially youā€™ll probably be okā€¦ill take that for now

and look that border poll , united ireland netanyahu style policiticsā€¦ do people really think having this as party priority will improve their quality if life here?.. that stuff really damages their credibility tbhā€¦

FFG have literally sold the country out from under us. Vulture funds and a landlordā€™s paradise. That suits the Iā€™m all right jack of many Irish people who posses a very short term view of thingsā€¦they donā€™t give a fuck about community or the country as a whole and thatā€™s the long and the short of it. Maybe the only difference is that SF havenā€™t been in power yet? But as soon as covid is put on the back burner weā€™re back to the housing and renting crisis that is far more detrimental to peopleā€™s lives than covid. Itā€™s something the government have never meaningfully tackled and instead we have investors from all over the world hoovering up Irish property and charging what they want in rents and nothing is being done to tackle this. Thatā€™s FFG , as long as the money flows upwards and palms are being greased then we should be thankful for our lot and shut up and get the head downā€¦ We certainly shouldnt worry about the next generation coming up. Thatā€™s their issue.


Cunts, half them including our taoiseach should be in jail

Pavee point will lose their shit with things like this.