Coronavirus - Here come the variants

@anon67715551 has had enough

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You’d have to say he isn’t wrong. The lack of barbering facilities isn’t troubling the bould Séamus I note, he always looks like that.

Mark Paul will have the Branch Zero Covidians out for his blood again.

Being vaccinated AND testing negative is not good enough for Tomas.

He’s an amazing WUM.

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I have been advocating for this since Christmas.

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This exposes not just the Zero Covid crowd but the ongoing lockdown supporters club as the absolute asylum seeking headcases they truly are. Based on Ryan’s logic, zero Covid New Zealand can never reopen, other than to other Pacific islands like Fiji, Tahiti and Bora Bora. Ireland if it locks down hard now can reopen in a bubble with the Isle of Man in 2025.

The question it poses of course is why we didn’t think of this before. Think of the lives that could have been saved every year if we were locked down say for the past century. What a selfish act by humanity. If we had locked down permanently in 1921 we wouldn’t have suffered the Covid crisis. But it’s not too late, we can avert the 2121 plague if we act decisively now.



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Sweet mother of God.

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3 of the deaths in April ffs


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Told ye earlier today.

Long live the fear

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Gonna need more hotel rooms. A lot more.

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You still think you’re getting away this summer?

By this weekend they’ll be talking about caps on entry. Nailed on.

They couldn’t organise Quarantine properly for a couple of hundred people - there’s not a fucking chance they’ll be able to do it for thousands.

This is the same Department that has no track-record of delivery and at the same time is supposed to be in vaccine “ramp-up”

I guarantee I’ll be flying this summer. I’ve flown a number of times in the last year and I can’t see why I wouldn’t this summer.


It will be a shit show. It’s going to be a long two months until the EU has the vaccine certs ready. All I hope is that this is the final nail in the coffin for this shit show of a government.

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Where and when did you fly last year?