Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Them lads wanted a row, the guards wanted to give them a few flakes, everyone got what they wanted and can all go home happy by 3pm. A grand Saturday.


It’ll probably be in the eye of the courts who take a dun view of this. See the RTE cameraman who got skelped with a baton in similar circumstances

To say that they baton charged people is an exaggeration. The way you describe it wax like Lansdowne Road in 1995.

They charged at a crowd swinging batons.

That’s a baton charge.


They scattered a few cowardly head the balls.


These lads wouldn’t last long in Burma.

The aggression first came against the guards, They had to pursue him aggressively, they are not there to talk to him nicely.

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So we can agree on the right to protest. I would love to organise a protest against this but the head bangers will ruin it. I am not right wing and don’t want to be associated with them either. These restrictions need to end. Peaceful protest is the only way but again you have one fella with the firework.

I agreed with the blm protest principle, but again should it have happened no but we cannot say one is allow and one is not. What options do we have to end the restrictions if any opposition is lumped in with the GOD crowd? Itll drive people into those groups

What a cunt

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Look at the video about twenty seconds in at the guy in the red top being hit by batons. He’s done nothing illegal and is moving away and a Garda starts hitting him.

Looking at the news I thought the place would be full of holiday makers and Brazilians. I cant find any though

When was that ever on the news?

It’s been on RTE a few times

The key points here is him, not the other lads. That was illegal use of force

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Nothing in that for me Jeff. I get worse from people behind me on an escalator

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That the airport is full of Brazilians?

That there are a lot of people travelling and that it is a grave concern.

MM is sitting at the gate for the flight to Washington crying into a Waterford crystal bowl of shamrock woth @Batigol stopping him at the gate laughing and saying joe o bidin wants nothing to do with him

That was reported by the news in the last week?

What’s the hang up with the last week?