Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I canā€™t even tell which is supposed to be which

ah cmon now; which one one takes numerous batterings and hope to push the other lad over when theyve run out of steam :smiley:

the other would be very much marquis of queensbury, if somewhat wordy

ā€“ Covid-19 is no worse than the flu.

ā€“ We should never have locked down in any way in March 2020 or at any point afterwards.

ā€“ We should lift all restrictions yesterday.

ā€“ Covid-19 should be allowed run through all societies. Infection rates and capacity ā€“ oh, blah blah blah!

ā€“ No one should take a vaccine (except maybe a few of the really elderly, who do not count in several senses).

ā€“ Bill Gates orchestrated Covid-19 to make money and control the world.

ā€“ Cold amusement at the spectacle of rank stupidity on stilts.

Iā€™d say you have your editors driven demented and they trying to keep you to a word count.

No, I have been repeatedly told that I usually provide the cleanest copy ever seen, with not a comma misplaced or a word over length.

The stories I could tell about the typical state of certain journalistsā€™ copyā€¦

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A year in and weā€™re still at square 1.

@Malarkey is bang on. We can argue about the arbitrary nature of many restrictions introduced and/or the incompetence of those at the top. But weā€™ve always been running from infection rate essentially due to a badly managed health service which was built on a house of inept politics over decades. Flu has fuck all to do with anything.

This place is nuts.


@the_man_himself , whatā€™s the xg of ICU admissions for under 60s?

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No point debating with someone who compares Covid to flu. There were idiots comparing the two a year ago but I thought that had ceased. Obviously still a few out there.

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I knowā€¦ I am the bigger eejitā€¦

But stillā€¦ The sheer ego of some lads is something else.

Could some under 60s be going to ICU and THEN getting COVID?

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Ah here

Weā€™ll have to see what the xg says.

Infection control has been shocking at the hospitals (if the stats are anything to go by anyway).

ICUs are emptying fast though. Which is very good. It is elderly people, in general, that will end up there so keeping them protected will free up a good bit of capacity either way

The bizarre thing is that these lads do not get ā€“ somehow ā€“ the reality that infection rates are maths beyond a certain point. And infection rates are what close down normal society ā€“ if only through a rolling partial lockdown alone. If Covid was just like flu, what caused all the fussā€¦? That Covid is far more infectious they just ignore.

Just mad stuffā€¦


Thereā€™s no better place on a Friday afternoon.

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You donā€™t think thereā€™s anything to be said for natural immunity once the elderly and vulnerable are vaccinated?

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@anon98850436 whatā€™s the story about McConkey? You canā€™t be just dropping these teasers with no final product.

You had your opportunity. If you were a secure and confident man, a man who believed in his abilities to frame an argument with reason, intelligence and data you could have done so, like I did.

Instead you descended down a road of laboured insults. Why?

You fear me, itā€™s obvious. You have had ample opportunities to prove that was not the case and you only reinforced it.

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You are actually certifiable.

Do you want to tell us how we could open back up without restrictions? Of course not. That craic would involve far more than a death rates bugle.

I laid out your ā€˜positionā€™ for all to see. And you have been completely destroyed ā€“ and you will never be able to say so much as ā€˜booā€™ credibly in the future. You are the one, after all, who said a little while ago that Covid is no more a problem than flu.

Enjoy the rest of your day as a paranoid egomaniacal moron on the internet. All has been laid bare for all to see.

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Itā€™s fairly clear @Malarkey has never encountered @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy before

This is the 4th Panzer Army on 23 August 1942 approaching the outskirts of Stalingrad for Comrade @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy