Coronavirus - Here come the variants

There’s actually a #kidcovid to go along with #longcovid

Speculative is not a fair word to use. When an intervention is made to prevent something you can’t count how many it has prevented because they have been prevented. The level of community transmission at the time was so high that large case numbers were seen for some time after yet well down on the 8,000 odd seem at the start of this.

And yes the comparison of South Africa is of little relevance. It was summer down there at the time for fuck sake.

No equivalent of current level 5 lockdowns that we have had from January to April this year,

1st November 2021 to 31st January 2022 is the period


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But how do you know they were prevented? It is speculative. Lockdowns couldn’t prevent 160k further cases and 2.6k further deaths whatever way you look at it. If it was brought in to prevent mass cases and spread then it failed. You’re speculating that it worked but there is no evidence that it would have been notably worse without lockdowns.

That’s why South Africa is a good example, no lockdown when it began to hit a rise or peak, it gradually fizzled itself out. Look all across Europe, in lockdown from most of the past 4 months - where is a good example of Lockdowns actually working.

How many countries in the West have effectively dealt with Covid? Probably the only ones who sealed their borders very early on it. I don’t disagree with the likes of MHQ - I just think it’s utterly futile now when it should have been done 12 months ago or more.


That’s the job, easiest money i ever made :grinning:


I didn’t gather from his post that he means 100% of all people, no.

I’ll be happy to give you the 500 euro if you’re right.

Trust me. :smile:


You can hedge your bet by buying a bit of Pfizer stock. Up over 2% today after announcing they think another dose needed in the fall.

Serious bidnis on this thread today.

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Czech Republic sealed their border straight off and are fucked at the moment.

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And did they keep it sealed since?

I don’t think so. But you mentioned from the start.

Yeah and look at how well the Czech Republic handled the first wave?

17k cases by August and 420 deaths.

When the borders were sealed everything was good.

As of now they have 28.5k deaths and 1.5m cases!!!

They have had lockdowns in both waves btw. Suppression was effective when the virus wasn’t in, it was ineffective when the virus was allowed in. Lockdowns didn’t really impact it whatsoever.

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Did the same happen in places without lockdowns? That would suggest to me that the lockdowns weren’t the cause or solution.

Question my sanity away though.

Sure just destroy me by giving the ‘facts’ and ‘logic’, so.

Samantha Fox could have made a lot more money if she had just strapped you to her chest.


Have a feeling I would win that contest even more emphatically.

Go out and get some air ffs.

The Czech Republic said in March 2020 they might need to keep their borders closed for two years. They opened them on May 18th, 2020.


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