Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Twas all the rage when it was all about the virus

Have to say a lot of the time I can’t tell whether you’re joking or not, but here I know you are because you woudn’t be giving @Glenshane a whip to drive people with cancer, asthma and lung condition sufferers, serious heart complaints, and even people with Down’s Syndrome to pace out 10 miles every day.

Healthy people. How could healthy people contribute to fighting a pandemic and ensuring if they get infected they will not develop serious disease? Lose some weight and absorb some sunlight is a far better remedy than sitting on the couch playing video games and eating junk food. You are also far less likely to be a spreader of disease if you have a strong immune system.


Can’t disagree with that.

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Whats your view on all kids being vaccinated annually with these gene based novel vaccines @Tierneevin1979 ?

Are you happy with that outcome?

Do you not think that if there were real, reliable evidence that masks cause more harm than good, it would be worldwide news?

I mean look at what has happened with the AstraZeneca vaccine, it’s worldwide news and countries are stopping its roll out based on this news. There isn’t some grand media/big pharma/big government (well, at least outside of the select group of terrible governments worldwide) conspiracy to keep important information like this hidden from the general public.

Lockdowns are about reducing societal interaction. They aren’t going to stop people from mixing with people they actually live with.

Essential shops remain open because people need food. This is nothing to do with lockdown or the alternative.

Herd immunity has been shown to be a crock. Sweden has the highest cases per capita in Europe right now, in theory they should have the lowest.

How would more Covid improve treatment of strokes, heart attacks and all the rest? How did it improve treatment of non-Covid conditions around Christmas and New Year?

Do you not acknowledge that the variants of concern are pretty much all coming from places which have had rampant spread? And that the greater the spread, the higher the chance of the development of a variant of concern?

There are a lot of leading words in your post which add nothing - “weak leaders”, “hysteria”, “hide under the bed”, these aren’t arguments, they’re just rhetoric.

Do you consider Jacinda Ardern or Dan Andrews to be weak leaders? Or Xi Jinping, for that matter (who I despise, by the way)?

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I’d wait for the results of the clinical trials which are ongoing as we speak, and then leave it up to parents to make the decision.

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More "but surely everyone cant be wrong " stuff. I can’t be arsed

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Reasonable post, still though, I believe the fact that they’re even doing trials on children for this to be absolutely abhorrent to be honest.

OK, well just address the mask point, then. The problems with clots with the AstraZeneca vaccine are big news, Denmark has stopped its roll out entirely, and Ireland has drastically restricted it, as have other countries. So here we have an instance of a product that we hope will help to get us out of the pandemic, and indeed for all but an infinitesmal minority of people, this vaccine seems to be very effective with no side effects of note. Yet the problems for that infnitesmal minority has stopped or severely disrupted its roll out.

So apply that logic to masks. If there genuinely was cause to believe they do more harm than good, do you not think it would be worldwide news? Surely some reputable media outlet would be running heavily with that story if they genuinely believed there was reliable evidence it were true? It would be a massive worldwide scoop. Or does Big Mask have such fearsome worldwide pull that it is literally pulling the strings to get the story suppressed?


Welcome back Sid

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Masks were introduced last summer across the country when we had very few cases and zero deaths and have been made mandatory since pretty much.

Zero science behind them either.

Luke O’Neill on the LLS more or less debunked their effectiveness, Anthony Fauci was also saying that prior to July 2020.

I don’t think that’s Sid. I know who is though.

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Why? The risk is a lot lower but 13,500 kids have been hospitalized in the US and 268 have died. So similar to all other age groups, is the risk of Covid greater than the risk of a vaccine? I think they should consider antibody testing as it’s likely an awful lot of kids have had it already. The CDC did a study in Mississippi last year and even though only 9,000 Covid cases had been reported in kids up to 18, the antibody testing found 114,000 had been infected.

Is it that weirdo Louther?

What a voyeur.

How many kids would be hospitilised in the US over the same period when we didn’t have Covid?

Is there a comparable number for that?

Seems everybody on the internet is a voyeur these days.

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Masks help. Its been proven. Pulling a mask out of the arse of your pocket when you go into a shop I’m less convinced

If you can smell a fart you can’ get covid

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Masks have been brilliant in fairness.

They’ve really helped, I don’t know where we would be at without them.

They’ve been about as useful as @iron_mike on this thread.