Coronavirus - Here come the variants

You might wish you could though. Particularly if it’s a Guinness fart mixed with a kebab from the night before

Not relevant. The risk of serious illness or death from Covid is low with kids, but there is some risk. Just like any other viral illness like measles, mumps, and rubella, low enough risk of serious illness or death, but we still vaccinate.

Are you opposed to vaccines in general or just the new Covid vaccines?

Sorry mate, no, MMR vaccines are not the same - they have been proven to be safe and are signed off etc,

You’re hopping balls now.

Gene based vaccines have not been tested like that for medium or long term side effects, and the boosters potentially are a law on to themselves.

Nonsense talk from you.

Either way, the forum knows my position on these, and there is a lot of lads here thinking the same, but arent going to say it.

Respect that too and your position mate.

Wasn’t Fauci telling a little white lie because they were in short supply at that point? That’s my understanding anyway although open to correction.

Vanderbilt University found that hospitalisation rates grew faster in areas without mask mandates than those with.

Oxford seem fairly clear that you should wear a mask and that they are effective.

Effectiveness of course does not mean they are foolproof or have limitations, far from it. Now I’m sure there are plenty of studies on this and perhaps other posters can provide details of them, but it seems fairly categorical to me that yes, you should wear a mask, while being aware that they have limitations - and I’ve certainly not heard anything that would persuade me otherwise.

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I’ve explained this to you before. All four Covid vaccines have been through the same clinical trials as any other vaccine ever developed in history. They were accelerated but there is no difference in how the trials were conducted.

Nothing is “proven” to be safe, there is some risk with all vaccines. There is zero reason to think that the risk from a vaccine is any higher than the risk from Covid, for any age group. It’s the opposite, the risk from Covid is much higher and rapidly increases for those over 50.

Never know it might be the cure of covid. We haven’t had a chance to test it.

The cure may be worse than the poison

As a person who gets sore lips in the winter I’ve really enjoyed wearing masks. It’s also much easier to pretend you don’t recognise somebody when you don’t want to talk to them.


Watching them pivot now from doomsday merchants to beacons of hope and joy should be fun. Not for Wooly though


I think we can agree Colm Parkinson is a complete fucking wanker.


I was under the impression that the vaccine trial isnt over for at least another couple of years for the firsr generation jabs, mate.

If I’m wrong, fair enough, have you something to back that up?

Masks in how they are distributed and used are a cod mate.

You and I both know that.

Ah come on man, you have to come up with better reasoning than that.

You’re dehydrated pal

Once a vaccine (or any drug) is through phase 3 of clinical trials and approved by the FDA it is good to go. Yes it was accelerated, but it is kind of an emergency. They continue to monitor it afterwards, that’s called stage 4, and if any issues come up they are dealt with then.

What you need to consider is that the virus is a pathogen that can multiply rapidly in your body, we know the short term effects on people (either nothing, sickness or death) but not the long term effects. The vaccine introduces a small bit of the virus that cannot reproduce, it’s a far lower level of risk.

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Hmm, I don’t know about that, mate.

Tell us how the Covid vaccines work then and explain your concerns.

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Good to go, as in released.

But, the manufacturers claim they don’t stop transmission or provide immunity to said virus.

Look mate, I think we both know these vaccines are rushed and long term side effects are unknown. The fact that the narrative going around this week is that the benefit they will provide is temporary surely adds to the likes of my argument that they’re inferior to someone under 60 boosting their immune system by keeping fit, taking vitamins etc

Do we really want to become a population completely subserviant to Big Pharma?

Hopefully people keep turning up to the walk in centres to keep the case numbers high and we can drive it on for another bit yet so mate. Hold firm.


Thats key to my 500 euro bet from @backinatracksuit