Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Woolhead is some gobdaw. Would it not be lovely if he was reincarnated as a puck in Canadian ice hockey?

One thing about Woolhead, on which he somehow gets a free pass, is that Woolhead hates hurling. He can barely keep a lid on how much he hates hurling – which is more of a thing in Laois than people realize.

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Cheddar is a great hurling man and on occasion seems to have time for woolhead

You’ve said that before as well and been corrected. What do you think the vaccines are doing if not providing immunity? Transmission is a separate topic, but it does look like transmission is very unlikely from the great majority of those vaccinated.

Immunity may or may not last, last for six months or a year, or several years depending on the individual, whether the immunity comes from a vaccine or getting infected. There is no significant difference between the immunity you get from infection or a vaccine, if the immunity from a vaccine doesn’t last, it won’t last from infection either.

Flesh that post out mate, you couldnt know that to be honest?

Covid isnt really around long enough.

Google how a vaccine works mate, I need a drink.

Gene based vaccines are a bit different though surely?

You’re not relying on small pieces of the virus anymore etc

I’m going to go to a walk in centre just to spite Parkinson.


Yes about Cheddar, million per cent. And true, in a way. But Woolhead is a weasel. He would say or do anything to stay in side of limelight.

But Woolhead hates hurling, believe me.

Woolhead seems to have a lot of anger in him alright

Tegnell refuses to endorse mask wearing and they still have high numbers. Eventually he agreed to mandatory masks in certain public settings. Did he just bow to pressure or what was his reasoning for the change of heart? Is there actual evidence to suggest masks increase infections?

How would you protect the vulnerable while younger people get herd immunity? Has any country tried this? If not, why not?

Forcing people in to the same shops would seem to be stupid but is there evidence of outbreaks amongst staff of the various grocery stores? The only outbreaks I’ve heard of have been in hospitals and to a smaller degree, meat plants. Maybe I’m wrong but if you have evidence of widespread outbreaks then can you fire it up?

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There in lays the problem, google is not unbiased, so all the information isn’t accessible.
As for the vaccines, they aren’t displaying much confidence when they refuse to accept liability from side-effects.

By God. This from a lad in favour of locking down a population.



There is a lot about that lad not in public domain. He is bad news. Did he ever leave anywhere with people saying ‘Such a pity he is gone’?

His own home club did not want him back, which says everything.

A mouthachĂĄn, a money merchant, a mushhead.

I haven’t heard of outbreaks in grocery stores being a problem. You said it’s a problem. Just looking for evidence that it’s a problem.

Just about trumps a cemetery I suppose.

Where did I say it was a problem?

I like your wordplay.


A shaper on the pitch no question but his podcast has it’s moments in fairness. Being a mouthachán, great word, a highly prized selling point in that regard no doubt

Pharmacovigilance - Wikipedia.