Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I agree closing non essential retail seems stupid. There’s no evidence of transmission problems with big grocery stores so there’s no reason why non essential shouldn’t be open. I just found it strange you brought it up.

Can you answer the other two points about masks and how to isolate vulnerable while younger people gain herd immunity?

Would taking vitamins not amount to being subservient to Big Pharma?

They don’t have a patent on Vit D

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The auld satanists are winning lads, no mass to go to for people - you could not make that up 20 years ago. It just would not be accepted.

Whereas at the same time we bring in euthanasia - the very thing that’ll kill off the elderly we’re supposed to be locked down to save.

It is unreal.

No mass is a good thing. People might actually start being Christian then instead of tipping along to a load of old scutter and think that absolves them from their immoral behaviour.


Easy say that from your seat pal, a lot of elderly people rely on that as a way of meeting people, getting a bit of peace etc

Its an awful freedom that they’ve taken away from people.

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I don’t think he hates it. He just doesn’t have a clue about it.

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So you’re confirming it’s just a social club… We can arrange other social clubs.

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Wankers will be wankers, mass or no mass. Plenty of good people go to mass, especially the elderly and they draw great comfort from it.

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Surely all vitamins and supplements and all that are products of some branch of Big Pharma though? I mean the first ad after the Late Late just now was some lad telling me to take a product called “Seven Seas Omega 3 and Immunity”. Seven Seas’ best known product, cod liver oil, is marketed as being a good source of Vitamin D. The Seven Seas brand name is owned by Procter and Gamble. Procter and Gamble would surely be Big Pharma, no?

Had help me. I didn’t say masks increased infections etc. I said there was evidence to suggest they do. You also have lads like o’Neill saying so. Google “masks nebulise”. Personally I think they make fuck all difference…you can find studies to show whatever nut if you can point to a point on a graph which shows they made any difference then be my guest. They were introduced at least partly as a psychological tactic…maybe that’s how they work.

How to protect vulnerable people? Take the billions wasted and find a few creative effective ways, warn people not to visit granny if they’re sick etc etc.

We dont know where we are anyhow…died with, dies of, died within 28 days, a joke of a testing regime. I dont think you would say the stats are honest…?

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All downhill after minor glory.

We couldnt arrange a piss up in a brewery would you stop.

We are a jokeshop of a state within the european union. No more, no less.

They don’t own the sun, yet anyway.

Ah, I have good reason to think he hates hurling.

Besides, he is an extreme narcissist. And narcissists hate anything not to do with them.

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My issue isn’t with that and old people aren’t for turning. So we’ll leave it there…

It’s gone downhill since he got rid of Damien Hayes.,

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I’d wholeheartedly support them buying it. We might get a few pro-science banner headlines then.

Fair point, as usual from you. But a podcast is its guests. If they are good, the podcast is good, needless to add.

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In fairness that is a serious benchmark.

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