Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I think you get one if you win the TFK GAA prediction competition


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988 cases last Saturday


Persistent on the 700

Judging from the video, the guilty party was long gone.

Those other protestors did not pose a threat and have a case here against the excessive force.

A bad day for Ireland, the government have lost control.

738 is another disappointingly high number.

3 Gardai seriously injured today. Disgraceful.

Awful pity the guards didnā€™t welt the shit out of those apes. That piece of shit with the firework should have been shot dead.


We donā€™t need another Covid death to add to the numbers ffs sake.


Heā€™ll be got, @Smithers will make sure of it

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They went straight after the lad in white who fired the first one, there were still ones going off when they went into the crowd. Whereā€™s the innocents getting brutalised?

Right here on TFK reading through your incoherent bullshit.



Not really. Cases down 18% in the last 7 days. Much quicker decrease than the previous 7 days of 10%

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Surely when a public match/protest is known you get the lads from templemore up for the day

Mad for action Iā€™d say

Are there student Gardai in Templemore since the arrival of COVID, did they take students this year?

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The lads from Templemore hear what might be gunshots and theyā€™re mad for action alright Iā€™d say.
Iā€™m sure there was plenty of ordinary decent protesters there but a serious cohort of troublemakers as well.
Was nobody from here at the protest?

I suppose the lads from temple more have strict instructions on what to do when under fireā€¦go flailing around with truncheons?