Coronavirus - Here come the variants

The closure of stephens green accelerated what happened today. The protest should have been allowed to continue as planned. There obviously was an element in the crowd that was always going to start something. Leaving off a firework and attacking gardai is not acceptable and has done more harm to the OIUTF movement than good.

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No harm in a bit of civil disobedience once in a while. At least they went out and protested what they felt strongly about rather than just bitching and moaning on the internet.

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The guy who thought it was ok to make fun of a man being killed by police in the US now pretends to care about use of force by police in Ireland.

What a hypocritical and pathetic little man you are.



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Yeah, I heard yer man only decided to bring the weapon when he heard they closed the green

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It inflamed thing yourmans a scumbag and deserves the steel cap of the guards boot

Youā€™re tying yourself in knots here

I see :rollseyes: is after a few drinks and wants a nod from me

2 Appletinis can go to a girls head


@TheUlteriorMotive was a grand poster but heā€™s gone to fuck recently.

He caught the Covid and it was a life changing event

No offence mate but you need to read what you wrote there again,
The thing that accelerated what happened was the fella who sent a firework at the Gardai,

No excuses, no ifā€™s or buts, donā€™t look for a reason to excuse this in any way because you agree with the point of the protest,
Do you think heā€™d have behaved himself in Stephens Green?

Great to see all the lads who spend every day giving out about the restrictions on the internet attend todayā€™s protestā€¦ Oh waitā€¦

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I donā€™t really understand why they tried to restrict them in. The signal it sent off the bat was wrong.

That cunt with the firework needed a serious beating.


This is quite something

Defo a cunt but seems to me that it created a confrontation? Let them march it out of their system. Thereā€™s protests all the time in Dublin with a few hundred that they let blow out by themselves. That said, there were always going to be a few cunts out for trouble so difficult to manage in that respect.

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A special sitting of the Criminal Courts of Justice tonight. Charges brought against the 13 young people are

Threatening and Abusive Behaviour
Failure to comply with the direction of a Garda
The obstruction of a Garda
Giving a False name and address

That wouldnā€™t be an unusual list of charges for your typical evening in Dublin, and a Special Sitting of the Criminal Court would not typically be required.

Isnā€™t there supposed to be separation of powers between the legislative branch and the judicial branch :thinking:

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