Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I’d suggest you know nothing about it and your post above is that of a cunt

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His boss must be really looking forward to seeing his smiling face.

Ah so she did pay it. You should have been clearer in your original post that she was ‘returning’ after major surgery.

What was the story with the chap with learning difficulties. Was he returning too?

clearly he was if he was if he was a deemed to have met the criteria to be given the protection of the state and be granted refugee status

Isnt this the thing? That you can be vaxxed and still get Covid, but that you wont get sick from it and that everyone else in the home is vaxxed also.


Your post makes it sound like these 3 turned up at arrivals without a clue of quarantine. You’ve now said one of the other 3 knew.

Are u now saying the person with learning difficulties is seeking asylum?

Sounds like @mikehunt wants to swap jobs with @Batigol


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I said she was “after surgery” so I assumed people would know but happy I clarified.

I’ve no idea re the refugee, didn’t interact with him myself. I do know he has a carer, who is also going to the hotel. I’d assume he was reurning, the vast majority of people either are returning from some “essential” travel (though things like attending funerals or standard medical care arent counted as essential).

Edit: he was not seeking asylum. Asylum seekers are not sent to MHQ

Had the refugee and carer paid up front?

Yes (as far as I know).

And the nurse who had a stopover? Had she paid up front?

Why do you keep asking had people paid up front?

Because my first impression from reading @Batigol post was that they were unaware of MHQ.

Adding India to this list shows how reactionary and political it is.

It isn’t a VOC. The variant has been around since last year.

The media are utter scum.


Thought India were done with Covid.

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@mikehunt has these boys hopping all morning.

Apologies if I misled you or anyone else. All 3 had prepaid. The lady returning from surgery had to pay as she boarded the plane, as she thought the letter from her doctor stating she had traveled for major surgery would suffice.

I dont see how that makes this any better.

It’s a shit show alright. I thought they all just arrived not knowing.