Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Has there ever been in the history of mankind, any positive news out of Dundalk/Drogheda?

Most airlines wont let people board now. I had no ā€œwalk-insā€ last night at all. There are a good few who think they would be exempt but arrive to find they arent.

Iā€™d often do stuff at work I wouldnā€™t feel great about (sending people back etc) but I have never felt as shit having to do this nonsense.

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Was it recently proved definitevely that the vaccines are blocking spreading now too?

This time its personalā€¦

I often wonder is there meant to be a c instead of a h in @mikehunt name.

No he wouldnā€™t. He couldnā€™t do that job from under the bed.

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Littlest Croppy (18 months old) had a close contact with a member of staff at the creche who tested positive. They tested his entire pod last week and sent them all home. Theyā€™ve all had their Day 10 tests come back negative.

Despite this the HSE said that their pod cannot return until next fucking Monday. Shower. Of. Cunts.

Called their helpline to make sure and they informed that there is no requirement to keep him isolated as heā€™s not a danger to himself or anyone else anymore.

Talk about mixed fucking messages.


@Heyyoubehindthebushes called his return just before talk of restrictions being lifted gain traction. A meaningful summer for all within their 5km

Iā€™m predicting a gradual increase in cases starting later this week as a result of the schools being back after Easter. Tony will put on his cross face and blame play dates.


Its the Easter surge. Weā€™ll be warned about the May Bank Holiday soon

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Yes, a beautiful Roman City. The hills and the architecture are lovely. The baths too. Itā€™s compact but bring your walking shoes as youā€™ll want to walk every square inch of it. I was belting out The Rare Olā€™ Times in this boozer but they pulled the plug at 11 on the absolute dot. That was the only snag


A visit to the raven is a must @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy.
(Imagine the likesā€¦)


They have the county wide travel to blame now as well

When did you visit ? Is it bonkers busy with tourists in summer

The trip was notable for being the only professional game of rubby Iā€™ve ever been to as well as the only stag Iā€™ve ever been on. The Munster groom to be was a big Peter Stringer fan and he was playing for Bath at the time. Stringer was injured for the game alas but I got close enough to Laurence Dellalio who was doing TV that time, to call him a cunt. I only went on the stag as it fell the week before Cheltenham and I happened to be going that year. It was the year Annie Power fell, happened right in front of me


How have you only ever gone on one stag, thatā€™s an achievement.

I always just politely declined. The idea of getting into a prolonged drunken mess with a bunch of male strangers never appealed to me.


Thatā€™s a fair point ā€¦and thereā€™s nothing worse than being in some shit hole of a strip club and seeing married lads acting like fcukin animals when they see a bit of flesh ā€¦

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I find it most unbecoming

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Fair. Iā€™ve managed to similarly bow out of any I havenā€™t wanted to go on, and my group of best friends from home wouldnā€™t be the big city strip club kind - any stags Iā€™ve been on have been somewhere small in the west of Ireland or the Aran islands.