Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Are you on Twitter? This has rocked me to my very core.

How does that work? Did you follow him and then like some tweets he didn’t like?

Nope. I’ve no idea

I use it for browsing

Putin won’t take the Sputnik vaccine. That’s as good as any trial.

Not a bit, other than a sore arm for two days.

Took two paracetamol earlier and feeling much better now.


There are various bots like the repeal shield that you can use to block people en masse who use certain words or follow certain accounts. A young whippersnapper like @Copper_pipe might know precisely how it works.

Someone in my place got Moderna yesterday. Wrecked today with a high temperature.

Queues outside coffee and sandwich shops yesterday in Dublin 2. A Pain. And a cafe au lait.

People need to realise opening everything up again and non essentials roaming the streets won’t all be to their taste.

The mother had a high temperature the day after her 2nd Moderna jab. Only lasted a few hours though. The old fella felt fine after his.

The second one is not true in my experience. I drove across the city yesterday and traffic was not close to what it would have been pre pandemic

On my regular commute traffic is still lighter than normal

Not only that but he’s had 2 heart bypasses and is a diabetic.

It’s nowhere near back to normal

The saline jab is the one to get apparently

He must of been drunk.

If you actually look at the charts he’s posted neither actually suggest anything he’s said to be true, other than that traffic is heavier at the weekends.

Evening and during the day traffic ddefinitely down. Traffic at schooltimes seems almost worse though.

I walk the kids to and from school and it’s noticeable how there are much less kids walking too compared to previously. The daughter, when I remarked about it on this morning’s walk, said school have even pulled the Walk on Wednesday program the school encouraged before.

Perhaps some parents feel safer to drop at gate but with weather as good as it is, seems something at play.

Very few taking public transport to work so what numbers are going to work has much bigger impact upon traffic levels