Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I’ve long been extremely suspicious of not just Gupta but the entire “Great Barrington” set, including Carl Heneghan. The following piece is pretty devastating for Heneghan’s reputation and looks really bad for the WHO too.

Seems a reliable source, especially given the Hitler quote on her Twitter page.


“Sweden’s per capita death rate is among the worst in Europe”.

They’re just lying, it’s not remotely close to being true. Sweden is #24 in term of death rate, mid table. Countries that are above them, a few double their rate and many 50% higher: Czech Rep, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Belgium, Italy, UK, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Croatia, France, Romania.

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It drives them ape that Sweden didn’t buy into the lockdown


Hmmmm…two informative articles are posted by different posters which go into the dark money web used to benefit the most prominent “open it up” merchants in the public eye…but quick…change the subject!

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My lover told that they had recently been in the company of an infected person. My lover went and tested on Sunday.
l went and tested on Monday. My lovers result came back positive on Monday. I came back negative yesterday. No passion for another 10 or so days. It’s rather frustrating.

Definitely busier around city centre today.

I’m more confident we’ll bounce back to the old way of life post vaccinations.

Isabel seems a legit source.

A case of swingers and roundabouts.


You don’t think it’s relevant that the author blatantly lies? I would have expected you to be more concerned with journalistic integrity and disinformation tactics.

I do think it’s relevant that Carl Heneghan lies, yes.

McGurk led you to the Nazi?
Dangerous game

I was very relieved with my result. I was very worried that I had passed it on to members of the family I had dinner with on Sunday. I was very relieved.

I can’t believe Ivor would like a tweet from somebody whose Twitter bio is a Hitler quote.

Can’t believe it.

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Ivor is dead to me now.

You have no evidence Carl Heneghan is lying, what you are saying is the only science that is valid is the science you agree with, which is an anti-science position. Studies have shown that people wearing masks are just as likely to get infected as those not wearing masks. I realize that sounds counterintuitive, but science doesn’t have to agree with what people think.

The actual scientific evidence, rather than biased opinion, suggests that wearing a cloth mask is actually worse in terms of aerosol transmission than no mask, and that better masks like surgical and N95 masks have varying success in blocking transmission based on particle size. It explains why health care workers have been getting infected even though they wear surgical masks and in many cases more extensive PPE.

I happen to believe Covid is airborne, but wouldn’t dream of dismissing studies that disagree. The politicizing of science is one of the most disgusting aspects of this pandemic.


I see Martin has announced that we should prepare for increased state intervention following Covid. :nauseated_face:

May as well just give it to the Shinners, Soc Dems and PBP at this stage.

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