Coronavirus - Here come the variants

If Mick Barry had been let nationalise the pharmaceutical sector weā€™d already be out of this mess and donating vaccines to John Bull.

Right. The Great Barrington set can do no wrong and anything that exposes them is a conspiracy.

More lies.

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Can the variant scaremongers point to a virus that evolved to defeat a vaccine?

Flu is multiple viruses so donā€™t waste my fucking time saying flu.

The flu.

Type A flu is the only one that causes global pandemics. There are over a hundred subtypes of type A, the difference is in the proteins on their surface. They are evolving all the time and a flu vaccine that works against one subtype today may not work against a mutated form of it next year. Thatā€™s why flu vaccines are modified each year, either due to a different subtype or a variant of an existing one.

Given how much Covid has spread, itā€™s likely to follow the same behavior as the flu.

By the same rationale Covid19 is lots of different viruses.

This is something I have noticed more and more recently on social media that seems a fairly bizarre turn. I donā€™t think the purpose of the quote is to endorse the view expressed but more to learn from the mistakes of the past. The woman (who I have never heard of and have no idea of her views) is now labelled as some sort of Nazi sympathiser. Or is the argument really that she uses the quote as something to aspire to?

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Letā€™s be honest here. You canā€™t expect to be taken seriously if you are quoting Hitler as a reference point or a justification for anything.


The lock everyone up to save everyone nutters just like to label people who oppose them nazis. You could have called it far in advance the boys here who love the idea of the state mandating everyone to stay at home.

She has a quote from Einstein as well I see there. Am I to take it she is both a Nazi and a world leading physicist? I would imagine anyone with stuff like that on twitter is not the brightest but to dismiss them as Nazi sympathisers seems to be an incredible jump to make.

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Youā€™d never see it on TFK.

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Itā€™s not.

Measles has different variants. I think most viruses do

Has a virus ever evolved to beat a vaccine is the question we should be asking.

No one said she was a nazi sympathiser.

We can all agree that she can be dismissed though.

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Yes, flu viruses.

The more important question is do vaccinations help, even in the likelihood of variants, and the answer is a definite yes. Flu (and colds for that matter) isnā€™t a deadly disease for most people because they have a strong arsenal of immune responses to fight it off. All immunity built towards Covid is good, whether through vaccination or prior infection.

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Ok. Iā€™ll accept that as you know more than me about this.

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Was it Einstein or Robbie Keane :wink:


Id be fairly sure she can be dismissed. But if you look a few posts up @backinatracksuit refers to her as ā€œthe Naziā€ presumably based on the quote she has up. It just seems to be a twist apparent on social media in recent months, a very Trumpian turn of events.

Are we in ā€œhe said jehovahā€ territory now?