Coronavirus - Here come the variants

It was Robbieā€™s boyhood dream to have an Einstein quote attributed to him.

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Fair enough but I think youā€™re overthinking it. Sheā€™s a dope.

Fifteen further deaths and 401 additional Covid-19 cases were reported by health authorities in the State on Tuesday.

Of the deaths notified, two were in April, three in March, 6 in February, and 4 in January or earlier.

The median age of those who died was 82 years and the age range was 56-90 years.

There has now been a total of 4,856 COVID-19 related deaths in Ireland.

As of midnight, Tuesday 20th April, the HPSC has been notified of 401 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

There has now been a total of 244,695 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Republic, latest figures show.

Other data released on Wednesday showed Covid-19 outbreaks in schools fell sharply last week despite the return of remaining classes.

The number of outbreaks notified last week was five, down from 14 the previous week and 44 a week earlier. Only two of these outbreaks dated from April, according to the figures from the Health Protection Surveillance Centre.

In terms of the wider reopening of society, Taoiseach MicheƔl Martin said the Government would make a comprehensive statement next week on what might happen in May, and for some other sectors in June.

In addition to the return of some outdoor activities next week, he instanced decisions that might come into effect in May on hairdressing, retail, adult non-contact sport, religious services. He said decisions would be made closer to June on hotel and guest houses.

He ruled out any international travel for leisure during the early months of summer, indicating it was too early to make such decisions.

Youā€™re presuming sheā€™s a real person. Bit of an assumption, Iā€™d have thought.

Morto for @Tim_Riggins who said she was a socialist worrying about the starving in India :frowning::frowning:

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Oh I see the mentallers klaxon has been sounded. Theyā€™re all fucking in. :smiley::smiley::smiley:

OK, I may have been less than 100% serious there, donā€™t be so literal

Protect the hospital capacity its at critical point, so we were told at Christmas. Level 5 was the answer. Not one political figure or journalist queried that this is normal service in ireland pandemic or no pandemic. Back to normal service in the Regional hospital in Limerick. Its not a deadly pandemic just years of a third world health service in one of the wealthiest countries in the world.


Is it possible that the hospitals are not bursting because of lockdown rather than in spite of it?

Very difficult to make that call based on the factors. It can be argued both ways. But this is a situation that occurs regularly in Limerick going back 15/20 years. Its probably the worst in the country but Iā€™m sure itā€™s not isolated to the mid West

Open the pubs ta fuck I can cut my own hair at this stage

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Heā€™s some spoofed.
@Tierneevin1979 , does wearing two masks mean youā€™re twice as dangerous?

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What self respecting oceanographer would get mixed up in a caper like this

Fauci should have been ran out of town in March 2020 after he said Americans had nothing to worry about from Covid and should go on cruises. There is an argument he should have been charged for criminal negligence for those comments.

Donā€™t know. Donā€™t care.

They must have a chap working full time reclassifying deaths from March, February, January and beyond.


First item on Tonyā€™s list when he came back.

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I was in VHI Swiftcare clinic last Saturday evening. She asked if had an appointment.

No I said.
It might be a wait she says.
No bother I said. How long.
An hour.

We were seen in 20 minutes. The condition required a trip then to A&E. Over to the Mater. Triage tent outside. 2 other people. Into A and E and we were seen in 30 minutes.

Lockdown and no boozing in pubs, less high jinks generally and no sports has certainly made AD quieter based on my limited experience.