Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Its mad the difference in public vs private. I went to the laya centre in the big tower in cark (dunno the name, biggest building ireland apparently). Saw a doctor in 5mins, script sick note and appointment for consultant in 20 mins out the door. Saw consultant had surgery, recovering and back in work before I got a letter to see another consultant in the public system. Illness to surgery was 3 months.

The swift care clinics are great if you have cover

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Yeah - tetanus shot, X-ray and a cast - 25 euro.

Bang to the head necessitated the trip to Mater as they donā€™t do head stuff.

Youā€™d want your head examined


Savage value last time I got a tetanus, I split my head playing a match 3 stitches and shot set me back ā‚¬120 in the walk in clinic on parnell Street limerick

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Once the pubs open A&E staff will soon be pining for the Covid days.

On a zoom here talking about underage training. Serious caution being shown.

Drunk tanks like in Poland are needed cc @balbec

The right job

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Was it yourself or the chisler that got hurt?


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The aul lad took a tumble out walking. Heā€™s grand. Kept him in til yesterday.


Hi Sid

The Archbishop gets back to work.

4 in January or earlier. FFS sake

I canā€™t believe the school situation in Nayna hasnā€™t made the national news. The whole of 5th year in the CBS is now off as well as 6th year. A text came to all parents today saying that they could keep their kids home if they like. It doesnā€™t say much for mask wearing as a preventive measure if teachers are now testing positive.
Sure maybe the same thing is happening all over the country.

Theyā€™ve been like this from the start.

Any cases in schools are downplayed or trivialised, if itā€™s a business, funeral, hospital visit or, God forbid, a pub where an outbreak emanates from, thereā€™s a detailed breakdown of how many people were infected.


I hope Ted Nugent gets better. It just would have been nice if he hadnā€™t pushed disinformation about Covid for the last year, because he contributed heavily to a discourse which meant other people didnā€™t get better.

Ivor isnā€™t too impressed with rteā€™s choice of statistician


The vaccine effect seems to be kicking in big time in the US. After starting to rise again, cases are flat again. Cases are dropping in the north east quickly now and the mid west is flat to falling. The likes of Florida are seeing some increases but not out of control. Hopefully they all start to come down in the next couple of weeks.

Vaccine programme has slowed now though with the rural areas really not taking up the number of vaccines needed. Herd immunity really isnā€™t that far away though when you look at prior infections. I suspect when they start the 12-15 year olds that the threshold will be reached quickly.