Coronavirus - Here come the variants

The people actually dieing in April will show up in the June figures

Not sure its in the right thread, but thats fucking wrong.

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Didn’t know there was a tinkers wedding yesterday

Seems to be a big shift in emphasis last few days in relation to putting the brakes on any positivity quite urgently. Firstly Leo with his downbeat comments on the Goodbody’s webinar then Kevin Doyle from the Indo urging caution. Big Tony must be at the puppet strings again. Plenty of talk out there of rising cases, vaccine slowdowns, hospitals being too busy (that’s the second one mentioned in a week after Naas). It’s gas the transparency of it all.


They ran out of trolleys on Tuesday at one stage. One of the largest hospitals in the country and no trolleys left. Absolutely mind boggling.

Apparently there was people standing in the waiting room - not sitting, as there was no seats left due to social distancing - for hours on end before they were seen to.

Get Egghead or Harris down there to tweet about that.

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Yeah the lack of seats in hospital waiting rooms is crazy. Some very unwell and old people being left stand is outrageous


Is a big influx to Emergency a Covid related thing?

There wasn’t enough capacity in the newly opened A&E before covid so I’d say not.

No its a we’ll close the A&E in Nenagh and Ennis promise we’ll add extra capacity for limerick and then never do it thing

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Yes, people were afraid to go to A&E in January because of Covid outbreaks in hospitals and now that the numbers have dropped are less afraid.

I suspect this. There must be a lot of old people who wouldn’t have dreamed going to hospital before their vaccination. They might have been right.

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Jaysus a bit of talk of opening up and Dr death comes back and boom suddenly cases are going back up. Dr Death must have been keeping the cases back incase we got a bit giddy and wanted to open up.


You’d know T was back on the case
All the numbers up today

Paul Murphy wants the Intel construction site shutdown. :roll_eyes:


Dr Deaths way of saying “I’m back bitches”.