Coronavirus - Here come the variants

He says it is an ā€˜improving situationā€™

Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer has said there ā€œare reasons for real hopeā€ that Ireland ā€œcan confidently move to a pointā€ where an easing of restrictions can be recommended to Government.

However, Dr Holohan said: ā€œWe are not yet where we need to be.ā€

Dr Holohan said NPHET is " a little concerned" about data of recent days, and he said this data will ā€œbe observed more closely in the coming days before we can be satisfied that we have arrived at a point where we can advise Government on any easing of restrictions.ā€

Here we gošŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø

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There are lads here who genuinely believe that Holihan is making up the numbers :joy:

No surprise - the announced figures have been lagging the positive swabs for 4 or 5 days.

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Numbers are irrelevant at this stage in terms of the vaccine rollout, vast majority of cases are in the unvaccinated groups as evidenced by the continual decline in hospital admissions and overall numbers in acute hospitals and ICU.

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I know that

But people here seem to believe heā€™s been making up the numbers, thatā€™s absolute ludicrous

You need to do more pal

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O Hula Hoop up to his old tricks

I donā€™t think theyā€™ve been making up any numbers. I do think at different stages emphasis has been placed on certain numbers to strengthen the argument they are making.


Thereā€™s 4 figures every day
New cases

All very easy to read for anybody

Have you not noticed the thousands of posts here suggesting Houlihan is pulling them from his arse?

By the sounds of it the next two weeks will be crucial.


Hoolahan was on the blower last week begging them to save a few cases for his return.

Itā€™s the hope that kills people.

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Its civil service strategy 101


Everyone back under the fucking bed

Any sign of that weedy little geek Glynn today?

Holohanā€™s return means a further deferral of the opening of society. The end of any chance of crowds back in time for this yearā€™s championship.

And pubs? 2022 at best.


Hes picking them from his hole weā€™ve known that for months.

I know yeah

But some people actually believe it :joy:

Ye could be in full panic or self righteous mode

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And all of them mean fuck all without context

I.e deaths from covid rather than with covid, and deaths that day rather than finding a few behind the sofa from last month.

Hospitalisations should be reported as per deaths i.e with covid and from covid.

ICU should report the days, aggregated, of stay there

And of course most of these figures would be minor reporting had we a functioning tracing & testing procedure as well as the increased ICU capacity which were promised but havenā€™t materialised

More importantly whereā€™s the stat for vaccines delivered vs administered?


Two county coroners have said the death numbers are a cod.