Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Its the most obvious conclusion. God forbid if the track and trace system worked along woth level 5 restrictions close contacts would be identified and isolate. Something is rotten 15/16 weeks of 2021 have been blaming public behaviour yet I for one havenā€™t heard of one person I know of getting covid since January. Considering I am out and about meeting people, it been the only real conversation piece. I work woth several hundred people and not one person I spoke woth has known anyone who got it. Its a small country and degrees of separation are small.

The vulnerable are now more protected than 6 months ago so why keep this charade. Tiny is back and in the same week cases jump by a third.

Whats the next kite to fly we have MHQ, vaccines and restrictions.

Complex topic to find where the cases are so Tony picking a figure out of his hole is definitely the most likely


Maybe they added the Nayna schools to the total today?

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Is this ever coming about? Say thereā€™s a seasonal/vaccine dip will the attitude be so far so good letā€™s keep puttering along or a review and improvements

Yes. I donā€™t agree they make up figures and I agree that comments to suggest that are hyperbole/incorrect.

I do think thereā€™s some merit to the argument that they look to set a tone - typically one of fear/crisis - to look to increase or maintain public support for the public health measures and that numbers are deployed to that end. You mentioned deaths - reporting deaths in the headlines as if they occurred recently is one clear example. The jumping around between statistics is another.


Thankfully we can trust nobody would do this on TFK to further their own agenda :+1:


If they did that would be a real slap in the face to the Frontline healthcare workers, and their spouses (the silent sufferers)

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Whatā€™s the R number today i

70 construction workers from Intel

How many people have contracted COVID in that time? (According to stats)
I have to say, itā€™s hard to believe that you havenā€™t heard of any real life cases if what you say is true, itā€™s almost miraculous.
Iā€™ve heard of dozens of cases in that time and I wouldnā€™t meet nearly as much people as you

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I know of one person who got it in that time and about another 10 people who just know they had it way back in November 2019

I had it in August 2019

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Fucking hipster

I was essentially the monkey in outbreak. I brought it to Milan in November that year then footixin.

Got it in Portrush watching fotf Shane Lowry. A respiratory virus that wouldnā€™t respond to any medication or antibiotics, wouldnā€™t show up on any scan had doctors flummoxed and knocked me out for about 5 weeks with aches and breathing difficulty.

I canā€™t actually tell if youā€™re serious or jokingā€¦ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I know a few who fully believe had it, not all fruitcakes either. Just today one lad, early 40s from Donegal was telling me heā€™s out of breath now walking up and down the stairs. Was never diagnosed with Covid but is convinced he must have had it

Thatā€™s two small town solicitors youā€™re quoting there. Theyā€™re bound to have more expertise in the matter than multiple epidemiologists.

Is he a hefty lad?

I know two people who have had it twice. Much worse the second time.

Nope not hefty but smokes a lot. He gave up cigarettes a few years back but hasnā€™t stopped sucking for dear life on his vape thingy since. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s doing him any favors to be honest