Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Along the Canal - into the Canal.
Grand Canal Dock - peopleā€™s doorways and between that weird metal structure that is the entrance to the car park and the BGE theatre. The smell of piss there is ferocious.
Herbert Park - the bushes.
Seafront Clontarf - not yet known.

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Bothā€¦ I can see the younger crowd losing the run of themselves for a few years before a more self conscious teen cohort grow to replace them and revert to Uber narcissism and virtue signallingā€¦ I think all bets could be off for a couple of years tho as curtain twitchers will be telt get tae fuck.


Any news on cases by county? Is the southern quarter still keeping the overall numbers down while the dubs are pushing hard to keep numbers up?

It is miraculous tbf. Cark does have a low level of cases too

The same types publicly shaming people on dame Street last year?

There needs to be a blanket ban on camera phones and social meeja for about two years so lads can go buck ape in lazā€™s establishment. Come out from behind the printers ye cunts


You do the math.

It finally made the national news. My younglad got notified as a close contact of an infected teacher today.

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Nailed it. Other countries have recognised this basic human reality. Irish politicians were shocked to realise the descendants of rebels were actually docile curtain twitchers and ran with it. No twitter and no Breda and Iā€™m convinced it would have been different. It seems to run Ireland more than anywhere.

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Removing cars has lead to more public urination in Clare. A slippery slope, so to speak.

You should have stayed in Nova Scotia mate.

The South East is virtually zero Covid. Dublin, Donegal, the Midlands and Limerick are riddled

Sure thatā€™s Ireland with snow and ice and @chocolatemice

Are we back up? We were down in the bottom third the last time I looked

Weā€™re in mid table. Donegal, Offaly and North Dublin riddled.

Tony wouldnā€™t make up numbersā€¦he has an oceanographer do it for him.


All the same theyā€™d be interested and experienced in evidence and providing evidence to substantiate something like a cause of death.

Itā€™s entirely down to optics now.

The Govt and specifically Martin donā€™t want to be called murderers again.

The modellers are totally confused, and donā€™t want to make any predictions.

Pretending like we are in lockdown will go on until June.

They wouldnā€™t have a fucking clue in fairness


The Kildare lad is a medical professor but youā€™re probably right

Surely they have to go over 50ā€™s at least with J+J?