Coronavirus - Here come the variants

A nerd creating a model out of numbers he pulled out his arse would obviously know most about cause of death.

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Jaze, Donegal is bad. Were they all in the one car?

All suicides are sad. There were 421 of them in Ireland in 2019. Presumably these were all due to Covid.

Letā€™s not point score on suicide lads. Not cool.


See this is the problem. No middle ground. You should know better sid.

Clearly lock down is having huge negative effects on people.

Theyā€™ve gone way too far with the restrictions this time.

A few easing of restrictions could have a huge impact on a persons mindset and would have little no impact on the case numbers/spread of the virus.


This Lisa Chambers one is vanilla

It has been a long running OUITF tactic to create an opportunistic, cynical narrative as regards Covid causing a suicide epidemic. The problem is they donā€™t actually care whether itā€™s true or not.

There is no such opposing ā€œpoint scoringā€ narrative among those who support restrictions.


The hurling championship starts on 8 August. Be grand sure.

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Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re talking about as regards ā€œmiddle groundā€.

You posted that on this thread for one reason and one reason only - youā€™re weaponising suicide in order to paint restrictions which are there for the best of reasons as regards public safety in as negative a light as possible.

You donā€™t care what the real figures on suicide are, you cherry pick individual cases to try and create a narrative that there is a statistically significant increase in suicides - despite you having no evidence for such.

Thatā€™s reprehensible.


Do you think easing of certain restrictions could benefit peopleā€™s well being without causing a rise in cases?

They gone way too far with restrictions this time.

The CSO arenā€™t releasing suicide figures from 2020/2021 until 2023. Why do you think this is?

We want to live our life. Most lockdown supporters are middle aged and passed their best. Sad they seem to want to cage us in.


Nobody says the last year has not been hard for people.

What is reprehensible is lying for blatantly cynical means. There is no indication that Covid has caused the number of suicides to increase in any sort of statistically significant manner.

And what happened to ā€œwe need hopeā€? Surely lying that thereā€™s a non-existent massive increase in suicide is about the last thing that would spread hope?

Thatā€™s a different argument but clearly the some restrictions are unnecessary now and are having a negative effect on people.

Youā€™ve been asked twice.

Answer the question.

Do you believe certain restrictions could be eased which would hugely benefit peopleā€™s mental well being without having an adverse effect on cases numbers?

Who says they would hugely benefit peopleā€™s mental well being? You? Did you think opening the pubs at Christmas would increase peopleā€™s mental well being? How did that work out?

Why should I answer a bullshit question when I came on here to point out that you are using a cynical, lying narrative to push an agenda? Which you are.

Arenā€™t you the person with the questions to answer in that regard?

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How many people do you know that have committed suicide since Christmas. I know 3 alone personally let alone the others you hear about. Itā€™s rampant

The pubs werenā€™t open at Christmas mate

Are you claiming thereā€™s a statically significant increase in suicide? Whereā€™s the evidence?

The evidence says otherwise.

But hey, who cares about facts here.