Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Its totally wrong.

@backinatracksuit is a virtue signalling rat though, there is no point discussing it with him.

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I don’t know the ins and outs,

But that was in no way a peaceful protest, if anybody turned up thinking it was they’d have fucked of sharpish,
The Gardai showed great restraint in fairness


I will be at the next protest.

Can discuss it with you via PM.

Outside the firework which was one guy It’s about as peaceful as this one was but the farmers accents are more socially acceptable. Farmers are shouting and pushing police in this video but they were not baton charged.

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Two wrongs don’t make a right,

Ah here :grin:

Yeah I don’t disagree. Lots of idiots there today for sure but idiots have a right to protest and there does seem a sense that more sympathetic causes or demographics are policed differently.

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You don’t know the in’s and out’s of it, but you still condemn those protestors.

Fuck off you cunt.


Here ya go - do you think today’s protesters would be allowed drive up to a police barricade in a tractor

They do of course have a right to protest,

But they overstepped the mark there and if that was the attitude of the day it’s no wonder it ended like that.

The lads at the front there went to town for a rumble, like a good old fashioned football firm

They’d want to be arrested if they did, it obviously wouldn’t be theirs

Its very clear the firework skanger was a false flag agent provocateur planted by George soros, bill Gates, denis o brien and drew Harris to discredit OIUTF. The misinformation overload has gone too far.


Ok Gemma calm down


Ok Karen.

I suppose the difference is that the farmers had a bit of charm about themselves, and tried to relate to the Gardai in this instance.

Unfortunately, the dubs protesting today don’t have that same charm, and seemed to be more rude, which seems to have led to their comeuppance.

It’s rare the ones being forbidden to protest are the “fascists” but that’s the way it’s gone these days

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You couldn’t expect the guards to bate their own kin now could you?

Tis like the army letting Trumps boys into the Capitol.



Just out of interest - is the right to protest still there at the moment or suspended (along with lots of other normal rights)?

Listening to Drew earlier it seems it’s suspended. Which wouldn’t sit right with me.

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